on the S. by Belfast bay ; 52 miles
E. by N. from Augusta, 12 N. N.
E. from Belfast, and 18 S. from Bangor. Prospect is very flourishing in its commercial and agricultural pursuits. .Population, 1-830“, 2,381; 1837, 3,198. - Incorporated, 1794. Wheat crop, .1837, 4,416 bushels.
Prospeet, Ct.
New Haven co. This stony and mountainous to\Vn was taken from Cheshire‘and Waterbury,in 1827. It derived its name from its elevat- ed situation. There is a pretty village in the town. The inhabit- ants are chiefly farmers. It lies 17 miles N.l>y W. from New Ha- ven. Population, 1830, 651.
Some difficulty arose in tbe con- gregational society in this, town a few years since, in consequence of the minister and a number of tbe influential members of the church having adopted the sentiments of the Perfectionists. The stray sheep, however, soon returned to the fold again. See Religious Creeds and Statistics-.
Providence County, R. I.
Providence, chief town. This ancient and respectable county is boundedN.and E. by Massachusetts, S. by the county of Kent,- and \y. by Connecticut. It contains .an area of 381 square-miles. .Population, 1820, 35,736 ; 1830, 47,018. Pop- ulation to a square mile, 124. The surface of the county is generally uneven; some seqtions of it presents rugged features, but no part of it is mountainous. The soil is vari- ous : some portions of the county are alluvial, some calcareous loam, and some of sileceous sand ;.but a strong gravelly loam generally prevails.
More attention is paid to agricul- ture in this county than formerly; good crops of corn, barley and rye are obtained, and all the varieties of the dairy, of fruits and vegeta- bles are abundant for the supply of |
its numerous villages and the city.
The commercial interests of the county are important, but are prin- cipally confined to the flourishing city of Providence; but the manu- facturing interests, particularly of cotton, are extended throughout the county, and engrosses a large share of its enterprize and capital. While the Pawtucket, Pawtuxet, Mash an- ticut, Pochasset, Wonasquatucket, and other streams, give those inter- ests, a constant "operative power, the numerous beautiful villages erected on their borders testify that Provi- dence county is one of the most im- portant manufacturing districts in the new world.
A statistical account of the resour- ces of this county, and of all the counties and towns in Rhode Isl- and, is .in preparation, and will ap- pear in the Register.
Providence, R. I.
Chief town* Providence co. Rog- er Williams was the founder of this beautiful city. He was banished from the Massachusetts colony for maintaining that all denominations of Christians were equally entitled to the protection of the civil mag- istrate ; that the church of England was no. true church, and that a patent from the king conveyed no title to the soil.
In 1636, Mr. Williams, accompa- nied by William Harris, John Smith, Joshua Virrin, Thomas An- gell, and Francis Wickes, commenc- ed a settlement and called it Prov- idence ; regarding his preservation as a favorable interposition of heav- en. Mr. Williams sustained the two-fold character of a minister of the gospel and governor of the col- ony ; he formed a constitution on the broad principle of civil and re- ligious liberty, and thus established the first free government on the continent of America. Mr. Wil- liam? was a man of learning, and set a bright example of that tolera- tion which he demanded from oth- |