Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 353
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ated to this object. The number
of scholars, in 1837, was 1-626. A
high school has recently been es-
tablished., and $40,000 appropriated
for the erection of new school hous-
es. The athenasum library con-
tains 7,000 volumes. It was incor-
porated in 1836. See

Providence is approached with
great ease from almost every direc-
tion. The roads are generally ex-
cellent : that to Pawtucket is une-
qualled by any in New England.
The Blackstone canal., after wind-
ing its course through a fertile and
manufacturing country, from Wor-
cester, Mass., terminates at tide wa-
ter in the centre of the city. Steam
boats, of superior construction and
elegant accommodations, ply be-
tween this city and New York,
daily. Rail road cars between Bos-
ton and Stonington cross the lower
part of the city several times a day,
and steam boats and packets are con-
tinually passing to and from the
several important towns on the
shores of Narraganset and Moflnt
Hope bays.

Providence has frequently sus-
tained heavy losses by fire, and
once by water. In 1815, during
the memorable gale of September
23d, the tide rose 12 feet higher
than the common high tides, and
spread ruin to the buildings, navi-
gation, wharves and bridges in eve-
ry direction. The loss sustained
by ’this flood was estimated at a
million and a half of dollars.

Providence lies at the head of
ship navigation on Providence riv-
er, the most northern waters of
Narraganset bay; 35 miles from
the sea, 40 S. W. from Boston, 169
N. E. by E, from New York, and
396 N. E. from Washington. N.
lat. 41° 49^ 32", W. Ion. 71° 24' 45".

Provincetown, Mass.

Barnstable co. A noted fishing
town on the extreme point of Cape
Cod ; including Race point, which
lies 3 miles N. W. from Province-
town village. It comprises Cape
Cod, or Provincetown harbor,
which opens on the S. This ocean
harbor is very large, exceedingly
easy of access, and has sufficient
depth of water for the largest ships
of war. This is the first harbor the
“Mayflower” touched at on her
passage to Plymouth in 1620.

An elaborate and highly interest-
ing report of a survey of this har-
bor and the extremity of Cape Cod,
by Major J. D. Graham, has recent-
ly been printed by order of con-

The report is accompanied by a
series of tables, showing the result
of a long course of observations on
the tide, which are not only curi-
ous, but may be useful to those who
are in a situation for pursuing their
speculations on this subject, by
.comparing them with the results of
similar observations in other places.
The fullness and precision of these
tables indicate the care and labor
with which the work has been
prosecuted. The result is of a na-
ture to show the great importance
of this position, both as a naval and
commercial station.

The value of-Cape Cod harbor to
our naval and mercantile marine in
time of war is inappreciable. In
possession of an enemy, it would af-
ford facilities for annoying our
commerce, without exposure to the
gales that so often sweep along the
coast. Fortified, and in the occu-
pancy of a portion of our navy, it
offers a secure retreat, accessible at
all seasons, and sheltered from eve-
ry storm.

The soil of this town, in common
with many others on Cape Cod, is
very sandy; indeed, it may be said
to possess no soil, for its vegetable
qualities are very deficient.

During the year ending April 1st,
1837, there were belonging to
Provincetown, 2 vessels employed
in tbe whale, and 98 in the cod and
mackerel fishery, besides a large
number in the freighting business.


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