The value of fish and oil taken was $298,407. Hands employed, 1,113, During that year 48,960 bushels of salt were made, employing 156 hands, the value of which was $18,360. Provincetown lies 50 miles N. E. from Barnstable, by land, and 50 E. S. E. from Boston, by water. Incorporated, 1727. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,710; 1837, 2,049.
Putney; Vt.
Windham co. This iown is fine- ly located on the west side of Con- necticut river,and embosoms a large tract of excellent intervale land, called the “Great Meadows.’’There is also a gopd tract of intervale on Sacket’s brook,- a fine mill stream, with beautiful falls, on which are erected valuable mills for the manu- facture of woolen goods, paper, and various other articles. Sacket’s brook is a large and constant stream: it falls 150 feet, in tbe course of 100 rods. Some of the mill sites are unoccupied. There are** various mineral Substances in the town, worthy of the notice of the geolo- gist. The village Is pleasant, and bears the marks of taste and pros- perity. It lies 9 miles E. from Newfane; and 9 N. from Brattle- borough. First settled, 1754. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,510.
Pnshaw Lake, Me,
This lake lies in the towns of Orono, Dutton and Kirkland, Pe- nobscot county. It is about 8 miles long, and one mile'wide. It emp- ties into Dead stream, which meets the Penobscot at Orono.
Queechy River, Vt., |
Sometimes called Waterqueechy, rises in Sherburne, runs nearly cast to the south part of Bridgewater; thence through Woodstock irto the south part of Hartford, and thence southeast through the northeast cor- ner of Hartland into Connecticut river, about two miles above Quee- chy falls. In Bridgewater it re- 29* ceives two considerable branches, namely, north branch, which rises in the north part of this township from the north, and south branch, which rises in Plymouth, from the south, both considerable mill streams. In Woodstock it receives two other branches of considerable size; one rising in the northeast cornerof Bridgewater and southeast Corner of Barnard, falls into Quee- chy river from the north just below the north village in Woodstock, or “ Woodstock Green” the other rising in the south part of Wood- stock; passes through both the vil- lages in that town, and empties into it from the South just above the mouth of the last mentioned stream. Both these streanls afford excellent mill seats. Queechy river in its course receives numerous other tributaries of less note. It. is a clear and lively stream, with a grav- el or gtony bottom. This stream is about 35 miles in length, and wa- ters about 212 square miles.
Quincy, Mass.
Norfolk co. The territory of Quincy was a part of ancient Brain- tree, until 1792. It lies on Brain- tree or Quincy bay, in Boston har- bor, and is bounded on the N. W. by Neponset river and the town of Milton. It is 8 miles S. by E. from Boston, and 10 E. by S. from Ded- ham. Population,.1820, 1,623; 1830, 2,192; 1837, 3,049,
The surface of the town is diver- sified by hills, valleys and plains. Back from the bay about 3 miles is a range of elevated land, in some parts more than 600 feet above the sea, containing an inexhaustible supply of granite. This is the source of the “ Quincy Granite,” a building material justly celebrated in all our cities for its durability and beauty. Vast quantities of this admirable* stone are annually quarried and wrought in this vicin- ity by the most skillful workmen, into all dimensions, both plain and |