ornamental; and it is fortunate for the public that the supply is abun- dant, for the demand for it from va- rious parts of the United States is constant and increasing.
By means of a rail-road from these quarries to tbe tide waters of Ne- ponset river, and of a canal to the centre of the town, this stone is transported with great expedition and little cost. There are large quantities of slate stone near Ne- ponset river ; much of which is quarried. These slate quarries bear indications of coal in their vicinity.
In this town, between Quiney and .Dorchester bays, is a point of land called Squantum, celebrated as having been the residence of the famous Indian Sachem, Chickatau- but. This place is the Mos-wetu- set, “ a few miles south of Boston,” supposed by some to have .origin- ated the name of the state. Squan- tum is a rocky, romantic place, six miles south of Boston, and a pleas-. ant resort for fishing and bathing.
The soil of Quincy is generally of an excellent quality and under good cultivation. Thepe are large tracts of. salt meadow ‘in the town, and many large and beautiful farms, which, in respect to soil and skillful management, may vie with any.in the state.
The Mount Wallaston farm is noted as the site of an early settle- ment (1625,) and as the Merry Mount of Thomas Morton and his associates. This form,with that of his venerated father, now belong to the Hon. Mr. Adams, representative to Congress. The ancestral estate of the Quincy family comprises one of the most beautiful and well cul- tivated farms in New England. It is the property of Josiah Quin- cy, LL. D., an eminent agricul- turist, and president of Harvard University. |
The village, in the centre jof the town, is situated on an elevated plain, and is remarkable for its neat- ness and beauty. In this village is a stone church, designated the “Ad- ams Temple.” This building was dedicated, 1S28, and cost $40,0001 Within its walls is a beautiful mar- ble monument to tbe memory of the Hon. John Adams and his wife.
About two miles east from the village is Quincy Point, at the junction of Town and Weymouth Fore rivers. This is a delightful spot, and contains some handsome buildings. This point of fand, with a peninsula near it called German- town, are admirably located for ship building, and for all the pur- poses of navigation and the fishery. Here is a fine harbor, a bold shore and a beautiful country, within 10 miles of the capital of New Eng- land.
The manufactures of Quincy con- sist of stone,' slate, vessels, salt, leather, boots, shoes, hats, coach lace, carriages, harnesses, bleached bees wax, See. Total value, the year ending April 1,1S37,$470,222. During that period there were 10 vessels engaged in the cod and mackerel fishery; the product of which was $31,042. Quincy is a place of considerable trade. Large quantities of lumber, bread stuffs, &c., are annually sold.
The proximity of Quincy to Bos- ton, the excellent roads and bridg- es connecting it with the city and surrounding country, the beauty of the town, with the delightful scen- ery around it, render it a desirable residence in summer, and a-pleas- ant home.
Quincy was named in honor of Col. John Quincy, a native of the place, who. for forty successive years was a member of the execu- tive council of tbe colony, and dis- charged many other public trusts with zeal and fidelity. He died Ju- ly 13,1767,aged 78.
This has been the birth place and residence of some of the most distinguished sons of America.— |