Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 359
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Cod. X. lat. 42° W. Ion. 70° 7'.

Ragged Mountains, X. XX.,

So called from their rough ap-
pearance, lie between Andover and
Hill, extending in a chain about 10
miles from the Pemigewasset to the
vicinity of Kearsarge. It is a bleak
and precipitous range, and is nearly

2,000 feet high, in its northern

;XXail Roads in New England.

See Register.

Randolph, N. H.

Coos co. Until 1824 this town
was called Durand. It is situated
directly under the north end of the
White mountains, its southeast cor-
ner bounding on the base of Mount
Madison, the east peak of the range.
Branches of Israel’s and Moose'
rivers pass through it. The soil is
in some parts good, but the town in-
creases slowly in its settlements.
It was. granted August 20, 1772, to
John Durand and others, of Lon-
don. Joseph Wilder and Stephen
Jillson were the first settlers. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 78.

Randolph, Vt.

Orange co. This is an elevated
township of good soil, particularly
for grazing. It is generally well
improved, and produces good but-
ter, cheese and mutton. Between
twelve and thirteen thousand sheep
graze in its pastures.

It is well watered by branches of
White river, on which are two
woolen mills and other manufac-
tures. There are a number of flour-
ishing business locations in the
town: the centre village is very
pleasant, and contains an academy
of excellent reputation. This town
was first settled about the year 1778.
Population, 1830, 2,743.

Randolph lies 23 miles S. from
Montpelier, 9 S. W. from Chel-
sea, and 34
N. N. W. from Wind-

Xiandolpli, Mass.

Norfolk co. Randolph constitut-
ed a part of ancient Braintree until
1793, when it was incorporated. It
lies 14 miles S. from Boston, 12 S.
E. from Dedham, and .7 S. S. W
from Braintree landing. Popula-
tion, 1820, 1,546; 1830, 2,200;
1837, 3,041. Manatiquot river rises
in the town, which, with other
small streams, afford it a waterpow-
er. Punkapog pond lies in this
town and Canton. The land is ele-
vated between the waters of Mas-
sachusetts bay and Taunton river;
the surface is generally undulating
and the soil strong and productive.
There are two very pleasant and
flourishing villages in the town,
East and West, surrounded by
fertile and well cultivated fields.
Randolph has long been noted for
the industry of its people, in the
manufacture of boots and shoes.
During the year ending April 1st,
1837, there were made in the town
200,175 pairs of boots, and 470,620
pairs of shoes, valued at §944,715,
employing 1,475 hands. There are
manufactures of leather, &.c. in the
town, but that of boots and shoes is
the principal.

Rangely, Me.

Franklin co. This town-lies on
the Androscoggin river, and at the
outlet of Oquossack lake. It is
about 40 miles N. W. from Farm-
ington. See
“Down East.”

Raymond, Me.

Cumberland co. Raymond is
watered by Crooked river, and sev-
eral ponds. This is a good farming
town, with two villages, and some
trade. The inhabitants are princi-
pally devoted to agricultural pur-
suits. In 1837 the population was
1,802; wheat crop 3,203 bushels.
Incorporated, 1303. It lies 75


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