Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 364
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tine marble is also found, and there are in various places extensive quar-
ries of freestone.

The navigable waters of Rhode Island are abundant, and mill streams
are found in every section of the continental part of the state. Rhode
Island claims a conspicuous rank for its enterprise in foreign commerce,
domestic trade, and the fishery. The tonnage of the state in 1887, was
45,651 tons. During the war with the Indian Sachem, Philip, and the
war of the revolution, Rhode Island was always found at its post. In
these wars her soldiers were conspicuous for bravery; among whom,
were found some of the most distinguished officers of the age. The rise
and progress of this state to wealth and reputation is very interesting.
It is the smallest republican state in the world, and the most important
manufacturing district of its size in America. An impartial history of
Rhode Island will soon be published by one of its distinguished sons
that history will contain a merited eulogium on the character of its people.

Rhode Island is celebrated for its mild and salubrious climate, which is
thought peculiarly favorable to female beauty. See

Ricliford, Vt.

Franklin co. This is a mountain-
ous township at the N. E. corner
of the county, on the line of Cana-
da, and watered by Missisque river
and its branches. It lies 50 miles
N. by W. from Montpelier, and 24
N. E. from St. Albans. There is
some good land along the river;
and the upland, though rough, af-
fords good grazing. Population,
1830, 704. First settled, about


Riclimouc1; Me.

Lincoln co. Tt itliin these limits,
on the west bank of Kennebec river,
stood an ancient fortress called Rich-
mond ; hence the name of the town.
It lies between Bowdoinham and
Gardiner, and
19 the site of some
ship building and navigation. The
town has mill privileges on a stream
which empties into Merrymeeting
bay: its soil is productive, and its
location pleasant. Richmond lies
15 miles S. from Augusta and 15
N. from Topsham. Incorporated,
1823; Population, 1837, 1,526.
Wheat crop, same year, 1,656

Richmond, X. II,

Cheshire co. This town is 12
miles S. from Keene, and 70 S. W.
from Concord. It is watered by
branches of Ashuelot and Miller’s
rivers, which fall into the Connec-
ticut. The ponds are three in num-
ber, one of which is one of the sour-
ces of Miller’s river. The soil here
is favorable for yielding rye, wheat,
Indian corn, and most of the pro-
ductions found in thi9 section of
New England. The land is gen-
erally level. There are no remark-
able elevations. Richmond was
granted in 1752, and was settled
within 5 or 6 years afterwards, by
people from Massachusetts and


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