Rhode Island. Population, in 1S30,. 1,301
Richmond, Vt.
Chittenden co. Richmond, is 24 miles N. W. from Montpelier, and 13 S. E. from Burlington. Popula- tion, 1830,1,109. First settled, 1784. The town is finely watered by On- ion and Huntington rivers, on the hanks of which are good mill seats and large tracts of beautiful mead- ow. The village is neat, and the centre of considerable travel. The several religious denominations uni- ted here in building a curious look- ing meeting house; it has sixteen sides. This is a healthy place, and" noted for the longevity of its inhab- itants.
Richmond, Mass.
Berkshire co. This town is situ- ated in a deep valley of excellent soil, surrounded by elevated lands, and watered by Williams’ river. This is an excellent farming town-; the farmers’ houses, extending some miles on one street, are neatly built and make a beautiful appearance. Iron ore of a good quality is found here in abundance, also marble and lime. The manufactures of the town consist of pig iron, shovels, spades^ forks,, hoes, leather, boots and shoes. Annual value, about $50,000. In 1836, there were 4,835 merino sheep in Richmond, They produced 14,505 pounds of wool, valued at $8,703. It lies 135 miles W. from Boston, and 5 W. from Lenox. Incorporated, 1765. Population, 1837, 820.
Richmond, R. I.
Washington co. Richmond is bounded on the west by Wood river, and on the east by the river Charles. Other streams water the town, which, with the Wood and Charles give it an excellent water power. Manufacturing establishments of various kinds flourish on its streams, particularly those of cotton. The soil is a gravelly loam, with an un- even surface. The agricultural productions of the town are very considerable.. |
This is an excellent township for grazing; a large amount of wool and of the productions of the dairy is annually transported. Richmond was incorporated in 1742. It lies 30 miles S. S. W. from Providence and is bounded E. by South Kings- ton. The Providence and Stoning- ton rail-road passes through tbe S. E. corner ot the town. Population, in 1830, 1,863.
Ridgefield, Ct.
Fairfield co. Ridgefield, or, as the Indians called it, Caudatowa, a word signifying high land, -is bounded W. by New Salem, N. Y. and lies 31 miles .W. by N. from New Haven, and 9 S. by W. from Danbury. .This township is very elevated, and commands extensive views of Long Island Sound and of the surrounding country. The soil is a strong gravelly loam, and pro- ductive of grass and grain. It is watered by Saugatuck and Norwalk rivers, and by a branch of the Cro- ton. It comprises a very handsome village, in which are manufactures of carriages, cabinet furniture, &e. Limestone is abundant. Popula- tion, 1830, 2,323. Incorporated, 1709.
The celebrated hermitessi Sarah Bishop, lived on the western bor- der of Ridgefield. She lived on Long Island at the time of the Revolutionary war. Her father’s house was burnt by the British, and she was cruelly treated by a Brit- ish officer. She then left society and wandered among the mountains near this part of the state : she found a kind ef cave near Ridgefield, where she resided till about the time of her death, which took place in 1810. It is said that the wild an- imals were so accustomed to see her, that they were not afraid of her presence. |