•The following account of a visit to this hermitess, is taken from a Poughkeepsie paper.
“Yesterday I went to visit the hermitage. As you pass the south- ern and elevated ridge of the moun- tain,and begin to descend the south- ern steep, you meet with a perpen- dicular descent of a rock, in the front of which is this cave. At the foot of this rock is a gentle descent of rich and fertile ground, extend- ing about ten rods, when it instant- ly forms a frightful precipice, de- scending half a mile to the pond called Long pond.- In the front of the rock, on the north, where* the cave is, and level with the ground, there appears a large frustrum of the rock, of a double fathom in size, thrown out by some unknown con- vulsion of nature, and lying in the front of the cavity from which it was rent, partly enclosing the mouth, and forming a room: the rock is left entire above, and- forms the roof of this humble mansion. This cavity is the habitation of the hermitess, in which she has passed the best of her years, excluded ; from all society; she keeps no do- mestic animal, not even fowl, cat, or dog Her little plantation, con- sisting of half an acre, is cleared of its wood, and reduced to grass,- where she has rai-ed a few peach trees, and yearly plants, a few hills of beans, cucumbers, and potatoes ; the whole is surrounded with a luxuriant grape vine, which over- spreads the surrounding wood, and is very productive. On the oppo- site side of tills little tenement, is a fine fountain of excellent water; at this fountain we found the wonder- ful woman, whose appearance it is a little difficult to describe :* indeed, like nature in its first state, she was without form. Her dress appeared little else than one confused and shapeless mass of rags, patched to- gether without any order, which obscured all human shape, except- ing her head, which was clothed
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with a luxuriancy of lank grey hair depending on every side, as time had formed it, without any covering or ornament. When she discover- ed our approach, she exhibited the appearance of a wild and timid an- imal ; and started and hastened to her cave, which she entered, and barricaded the entrance with old shells, pulled from the decayed trees. We approached this humble habitation, and after some conver- sation with its inmate, obtained lib- erty to remove the palisadoes and look in; for we were not able to enter, the room being only sufficient to accommodate one person. We saw no utensil, either for labor or cookery, save an old pewter basin and a gourd shell, no bed but the solid rock, unless it were a few old rags, scattered here and there; no bed clothes of any kind, not the least appearance of food or fire. She had, indeed, a place in one cor- ner of her cell, where a fire had at some time been kindled, but it did not appear there had been one for some months. To confirm this, a gentleman .says he passed her cell five op'six days after the great fall of-jpnow in the beginning of March, that she had no fire then, and had not been out of her cave since the snow had fallen. How she subsists during the severe season, is yet a mystery ; she says she eats but lit- tle flesh of any kind ; in the sum- mer she lives on berries, nuts, and roots. We conversed with her for some time, found her to be of a sound mind, a religious turn of thought, and entirely happy in her situation; of this she has given re- peated proofs by refusing to quit this dreary abode. She keeps a Bi- ble with her, and says she takes much satisfaction, and spent much time in reading it.”
Riley, Me.
Oxford co. This is a township of rough and unprofitable land, with few inhabitants; near to, and south |