Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 367
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of Speekled mountain, on the line
of New Hampshire. It lies 30
miles N. W. from Paris.

Kludge, N. H.

Cheshire co. This town is 20
miles S. E. from Keene, 5Q S. W.
from Concord, and 55 W. N. W.
from Boston. The soil is productive,
lying on swells of land for the most
part inclining to the south. There
are 13 ponds, the largest of which
are called Manomonack, Emerson,
Perley, Long, Grassy, and Bullet.
The 3 first discharge their waters
into Miller’s river in Mass., thence
communicating with the Connecti-
cut; the 3 last discharge them-
selves into Contoocook river, and
from thence into the Merrimack.
These ponds abound with fish, and
were much frequented by the In-
dians for procuring fur, &c. There
is a small elevation of land in
Rindge, from which the waters that
issue on one side descend into the
Merrimack, and those on the other
side, into the Connecticut. Iron
is found here; also a species of
paint nearly equal to the best qual-
ity of Spanish brown. Rindge was
originally called
Rowley Canada,
Monadnock No. 1. It received \
its present name from one of the
proprietors, when it was incorpora-
ted, in 176S. The settlement com-
menced, 1752, by Jonathan Stanley,
George Hewitt ^and Abel Platts.
Population, in 1S30, 1,269.

Ripley, Me*

Somerset co. A good farming
town, 60 miles N. by E. from Au-
gusta, anfd 30 N. E. from Norridge-
wock. Incorporated, 1816. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 555. Wheat crop,
same year, 3,512 bushels. A branch
of Sebasticook river passes through
the town.

Rlpton, Vt*

Addison co. This is a mountain-
ous township, the surface and soil
of which are too broken and cold
for much cultivation. Middlebury
river and the turnpike from Royal-
ton to Vergennes pass through it.
Ripton lies 26 miles S. W. from
Montpelier, and 9 E. from Middle-
bury. Population, 1330, 278.

Robbiuston, Me.

Washington co. This town lies
on the Schoodic or St. Croix river,
opposite te St. Andrews, in New
Brunswick. It is 16 miles N. N.
W. from Eastport, 30 N. E. from
Machias and 192 E. N. E, from Au-
gusta. This place enjoys great
navigable privileges, and is the site
of. considerable ship building, and
commerce in lumber. Incorporated,
1811. Population, 1S37, 702. This
town was settled soon after the re-
volutionary war. The first mail
came to this place in 1796. A mail
stage now arrives three times, a
week, and crosses the river to New
Brunswick. Robbinston was nam-
ed in compliment to the Hon. Ed-
ward H. Robbins, formerly Lieut.
Governor of Massachusetts, and for
many years speaker of the House
of Representatives of that state.

Rochester, N. H.,

One of the county towns of Straf-
ford-co., is 10 miles N. W. from
Dover, 22 N. W'. from Portsmouth,
34 E. from Concord. Besides Sal-
mon fall river, which divides this
town from Berwick and Lebanon, in
the state of Maine, the Coche-
co river runs the whole length of
the town, and nearly in the middle,
and the Isinglass river crosses the
southerly corner of the town just
before its junction with Cocheco
river, at a place called Blind Will’s
Neck. Both Salmon fall and Co-
checo rivers afford valuable mill-
seats; on the latter of which, near
the centre of the town, stands the
principal village, called
It is a place of consider-
able trade, and a great thorough-
fare from the upper towns in the
county to Dover and Portsmouth.


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