There is another village about 2 miles S. W.from this, called Squam- anagonnickj the Indian name of the falls in the Cocheco at that place. Much of the soil in Roch- ester is good; the surface is uneven, with several swells, the principal of which is, Squamanagonnick hill, which constitutes a considerable part of several valuable farms. In the W. part of the town, is a large tract of oak land, which is hard and stony ; has a deep rich soil, and is very productive when well cultiva- ted. The town was incorporated, in 1722. The first permanent set- tlement was made In 1723. Until Canada was taken by the British and American troops in 1760, it re- mained a frontier town; the peo- ple were poor and distressed, but not discouraged. Their men Were hold, hardy and industrious ; and their sons were trained to the use of arms. They early became a ter- ror to their foes. In 1748, the wife of Jonathan Kodgdon was killed on a Sunday morning by the Indians, on refusing to be taken to Canada with the party. Her husband mar- ried again, had 21 children in all, and died in 1815, aged 90 years. In the revolutionary war, many of the inhabitants bore a part. Captains David Place and John Brewster led companies to Ticonderoga, and suf- fered much in their retreat from that place in 1777. Of the soldiers from Rochester, 29 were killed or died in that contest. Pop.1830,2,155.
Rochester, Vt.
Windsor co. Rochester lies 30 miles S. S. W. from Montpelier, 37 N. W. from Windsor, and 20 S. E. from Middlebury. It is watered by White river, which supplies it with mill seats. A large partof the surface of the township is broken and moun- tainous, but it contains much good land for grazing and some tracts of excellent meadow. It has a pleasant village with some trade. In 1837, there were 9,000 sheep in the town. |
First settled, 1783. Population,
1830, 1,392.
Rochester, Mass.
Plymouth co. A large maritime town on Buzzard’s bay, 9 miles E. from New Bedford, and 48 S. S. E. from Boston. Incorporated, 1686. Population, 1837, 3,570. The lace of the town is uneven and the soil light. Mattepoiset and Sipican riv- ers, rising in large ponds in the town, empty into the bay and form good harbors. The manufactures of Rochester consist of vessels, salt, bar iron, boots, shoes, &c.; value, the year ending April 1, 1837, $101,811. During that period there were 9 vessels engaged in the whale fishery, and brought into port 116,- 928 gallons of oil, valued at $71, 658. A number of merchant ves- sels belongto this place, and numer- ous coasting and fishing vessels.
Rockingham County, K. H.
Portsmouth and JUxeter are the chief towns. The county of Rock- ingham is bounded N. and N. E.' by Strafford county; E. by the At- lantic, from the mouth of Piseata- qua river to the line of Massachu- setts; W. by the counties of Mer- rimack and Hillsborough. Its great- est length is about 34 miles; its greatest breadth, from the west cor- ner of Chester to the extremity of Rye, is about 30 miles. It compri- ses an area of 695 square miles. There are no remarkable elevations in this county; the surface, how- ever, is uneven, and in the north part, from the higher eminences, there are some very fine views of the surrounding country. The highest point is Saddleback moun- tain, in Northwood and Deerfield. The rivers are the Lamprey, Exe- ter, Beaver, and Spiggot, which water the east and southeast parts of the county. Great Bay, be- tween Newington and New Mark- et, and connecting with the Piscat* aqua, is the largest collection of |