by TVutappessthikqussunnooiveh- tunkquohy a word that would puz- zle a Demosthenes to pronounce, without an extra*pebble stone in his mouth. Mr. Eliot was remarkable for his indefatigable labors and charities; be endured hardship as- a good soldier of Jesus Christ, and went to his reward in 1690, aged 86.
This was the birth place and residence of the patriot Joseph Warren. Dr. Warren was born in 1740. He graduated at Harvard college in 1759. He was an ardent lover of his country, and sensibly felt the weight of her oppressions. Four days previous to the battle of “Bunker Hill,” be received a' commission in the army of Major General. lie was within the en- trenchment, and was slain on that hallowed spot, just at. the com- mencement of the retreat. Dr. Warren was an able statesman, an eloquent orator, a man of uncom- promising integrity and undaunt- ed bravery. General Warren was the first officer of rank that fell in that glorious • contest for liberty. His death shed a gloom throughout the country: be was exceedingly beloved for tbe mildness- and affa- bility of his deportment, and for the virtues of his private life.
Roxbury, Ct.
Litchfield co. Roxbury was tak- en from Woodbury and incorpora- ted in 1801. It lies 32 miles- N. W. from New Haven, 46 W. S. W. from Hartford, and 15 S. by W. from Litchfield. Population, 1830,1,122.
The town is diversified with bills and vales. The soil is a gravelly loam, interspersed with some small tracts of sandy loam. ' It is water- ed by the Shepaug, a branch of the Housatonick. In digging for sil- ver, a species of iron ore, called steel ore, was discovered.
Royalston, Mass. |
Worcester co. Royalston is a pleasant town, and is well watered by Miller’s river, a beautiful mill stream. The surface of the town is uneven, but the soil is -generally rich and productive. There are two woolen mills, and manufactures of boots, shoes, leather, chairs, cabinet ware., paim-l.eaf hats and mats, wooden ware. &c. First settled, 1762. Incorporated, 1765. It lies 70 miles W. N. W. from Boston, and 38 N. W. from Wor- cester. -Population, 1537, 1,629.
Royalton, Vt.
Windsor co. The surface of this town is somewhat rough and moun- tainous, but the soil is good, partic- ularly on the banks of White river, by which it is watered.
. This town was first settled in 1771, and for many years endured great suffering from Indian hostili- ty. This is an excellent township for grazing, and its agricultural products are considerable. It has a pleasant village and an academy.
Royalton is 30 miles S. from Montpelier, and 25 N. N. W. from Windsor. Population, in 1830, 1,893.
Romford, Me.
Oxford co.. Rumford is a town- ship of valuable land, 51 miles W. N. W. from Augusta, and 20 N. by W. from Paris. It lies on the northwestern, bank of the Andros- coggin, and enjoys a great water power. Mills of various kinds are already ereeted, and manufactures on a large scale are contemplated. White Cap mountain, rising 500 feet above the level of the surround- ing country, and Glass-face, about 400 feet, present beautiful views from theirt summits. . Population, 1837, 1,382. Wheat crop, same year, 4,385 bushels. Incorporated, 1800.
Rumney, N. H.
Grafton co. Rumney is 8 miles N. N. W. from Plymouth, 47 N. by |