Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 374
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ture their own apparel and some for
their neighbors. Population, 1830,

Sachem’s Head, Ct.

See Guilford.

Saco River,

Is one of the largest in New
England; yet being much broken
in its course by falls, is not naviga-
ble to any considerable extent. It
springs from three sources in the
White mountains; the branch is-
suing from the southwest side of
the mountains, near the Notch, is
considered the main stream; next
to this is the middle branch, which
is the smallest; and beyond is the
branch called Ellis’s river, which
rises on the northeast side of the
mountains,. and after a course of
about eighteen miles, unites with
the main branch in the town of
Bartlett. Cutler’s andNewriveTS
are mountain torrents that discharge
into the Ellis. The Ammonoosuck,
a branch of the Connecticut, rises
within about two rods of the Saco,
flowing in an opposite direction.
The whole length of Saco river is
estimated to be 160 miles; running
in its general course S.. S. E., and.
discharging into the sea in N. lati-
tude 43° 3U, W. longitude 70° 26'.
The principal falls are, the Great
Falls, at Hiram, where the water
descends 72 feet; Steep Falls, at
Limington, 20 feet; Salmon Falls,
at Hollis and Buxton, 30 feet; and
Saco Falls, 42 feet. The latter are
about 4 miles from the mouth of
the river. The ordinary rise of
the water, in the spring, is from
10 to 15 feet, hut in great freshets
it has been known greatly to ex-
ceed that number. A long storm
which occurred in October, 1785,
raised the river to an immense
height, sweeping away mills and
bridges, and inundating houses that
stood in its vicinity. Ial814, there
was the greatest freshet known
since that of 1785. At such sea-
sons the appearance of Saco Falls
is truly sublime.

Saco, Me.

York co. Saco is situated on the
east side of the river of that name.
It is 71 miles S. S. W. from Au-
gusta, 15 S. W. from Portland, and
29 N. E. from York.

Saco is a port of entry, a place of
some ship building, and commands
a flourishing trade. Population,
1830, 3,219; 1837, 4,229.

Saco enjoys the rare privilege of
possessing a great hydraulic pow-
er united with navigable accommo-
dations. The Saco river termin-
ates its fantastic course at this place,
by leaping, within a short distance,
42 feet, and mingling with the
ocean. This water power is very
valuable, and cannot fail of becom-
ing the site of large manufacturing

From the mouth of the river a
fine- beach extends to the east about
5 miles, called Old Orchard beach.
This name arose from a gfowth of
apple trees formerly near the beach,
planted at a vory early period;
some of them remained as late as
1770. Another beach of less exr
tent, but not inferior in other re-
spects, is found at the Pool, con-
necting Fletcher’s Neck with the
main, and forming the south shore
of that peninsula. Its distance
from the Falls is about 9 miles.

The small streams by which dif-
ferent parts of Saco are watered,
generally derive their origin from
an immense bog, commonly called
the Heath, and .flow into the river
and sea. On one of these, Fox-
well’s brook, there is a fine water-
fall, with a descent of about sixty
feet, surrounded by scenery of a
wil<j and striking character.

The lumber trade has long been
the principal branch of business on
Saco river. In early times, the
mills were supplied with logs from
the forests in the vicinity of the
Falls: in tbe former part of the last


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