Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 378
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sachusetts soon became considera-
ble. In 1636, Mr.'-Vines’ had a
consignment of bread and beef from
that quarter. Jocelyn remarks that
‘Winter Harbor is a noted place for
fishers.’ He describes the mode of
pursuing this business in the follow-
ing manner: ‘The fishermen take
yearly on the coast many hundred
quintals of cod, bake, haddock, pol-
lock, &c. and dry them at their
stages, making three voyages in a
year. They make merchantable
and refuse fish, which they sell to
Massachusetts merchants ; the first
for 32 ryals ($4) per quintal; the
refuse for 9 and 10 shillings ($2,
•and 2,25.) The merchant sends
the first to Lisbon, Bilboa, Mar-
seilles, Bordeaux, Toulon, and other
cities of France ; to Canaries, pipe-
staves and clapboards; the refuse
fish to the W. Indies for the ne-
groes. To every shallop belong
four fishermen, a master or steers-
man, a midshipman, and "a shore
man, who washes it out of tlie salt,
and dries it upon hurdles pitched
upon stakes breast high, and-tends
their cookery. They often get in
one voyage 8 or 9 barrels a share
per man. The- merchant buys of
the planters beef, pork, peas, wheat,
indian corn, and sells it to the fish-

“ The expense of each planter to.
provision himself was quite small,
if we may judge from an estimate
furnished by Mr. Jocelyn for the
information of proposed emigrants.
A similar estimate had been previ-
ously made by - Capt. Smith with
reference to Virginia. ‘ Victuals to
last one man a year; 8 bushels of
meal, £2: two bushels of peas, 6
shillings: two bushels of oatmeal,

9 shillings : one gallon of aqua vitas,
(brandy,) 2s.
6d.: one gallon of oil,
6d.: two gallons of vinegar,
2s.:’ total, £3 3s., equal to $14..

“ A considerable traffic was" car-
ried on with the natives by many
of the planters, some of them visi-
ting "remote parts of the coast, or


travelling into the interior for this
purpose. English and French
goods were bartered for valuable
furs, particularly beaver.”

Saddle Mountain, Mass*

See Adams.

Saddleback Mountain, Me.

Franklin co. This mountain is a
few miles so.uth of Mount Abraham.
It is 25 miles N. W. from Farming-
ton, and about 4,000 feet above the
level of the sea.

Sagadaliock, Me.

The ancient name of a section of
country, at and east of the mouth of
Kennebec river. See

St. Albans, Me.

Somerset co. This is a valuable
township of land, 46 miles N. N.
E. from Augusta, and 26 N. E. by
E. from Norridgewock. Incorpora-
ted, 1813. Population, 1830, 911 ;
1837, 1,393. This town contains a
large and beautiful pond ; the out-
let of which forms a good mill
stream, a branch of Sebasticook
river. There are two pleasant and
flourishing villages in St. Albans.
Wheat crop, 1837, 10,294 bushels *

St. Albans, Vt.

Shire town of Franklin co. This
town is bounded on the west by
Champlain lake. It lies 46 miles
N. W. by N.- from Montpelier, and
25 N. from Burlington. First set-
tled, about tlm year 1785. Popula-
tion 1830, 2,395. The soil of this
town is fertile, and under the man-
agement of good farmers, is render-’
ed very productive. In 1837, there
were 8,459 sheep in the town, and
the exports of wool and other pro-
ductions of the soil are large and
valuable. The water communica-
tions by the lake to New-York and
Canada, render St. Albans a mart
of considerable trade from the sur-
rounding country. The first ves-
sel from Lake Champlain, that ar-


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