riVed at New York, by the north - ern.canal, was from, built and own- ed at St. Albans.
The Village of St.. Albans is beautifully situated on .elevated ground, and commands a fine pros- pect.. It contains many handsome buildings, and is a busy place in tbe manufacture of various articles. It lies three miles from the lake, and twelve miles from the line of Can^ ada. '
St. Croix River.
This river forms tbe boundary line between the United States and the British Province of New Bruns- wick, from the ocean to Grand Lake. It is sometimes called Pas- samaquoddy, Schoodic and CUe- putnetecook. This river rises in Grand Lake and p.asses to the ocean in a S. E. course. The dis- tances on this important river are as follows: from Eastport to Ca- lais, at the he.ad of navigation, is 28 miles : from Calais to the mouth of Schoodic river, 21 miles, and from thence to Grand Lake is 33 miles • total distance from Eastport • to Grand Lake, 82 miles. There are marly elevations in this river, and consequently many falls and rapids, producing a great hydraulic power. The mouth of the western branch of the St. Croix, or Schoodic river, is 166 feet above tide water; at Calais ; and the whole fall from Grand Lake to sea level is 444 feet.
St. Francois River, Me.
Or tbe Peclieenegamook, rises in fKe county of Piscataquis, on the border of Canada. It has a number of tributaries and receives the wa- ters of several lakes. It is about 50 miles in length,, and, passing nearly south falls into the river St. John, on the line of Penobscot county. *
St. George, Me. |
Lincoln co. This township is nearly surrounded by water It is bounded northerly by a neck of land adjoining Thomaston, E. by the western waters of Penobscot bay,-S. by the Atlantic, and W. by the waters of Muscongus bay and St. George’s river. This town pos- sesses, in an eminent degree, every navigable facility. It is a place of considerable ship building, and the people are engaged in the' lumber trade, coasting and fishing. There are -a number of islands on the coast of this town : a cluster of islands called St. Georges, are tbe most considerable. They lie off the town£>. by W. about 5 miles. St. George was incorporated in 1803. Population, 1837, 1,883. . It lies 57 miles S. E. from Augusta, and 10 S. from Warren.
. St. George Riper is- a valuable stream, both on account of its hy- draulic power and navigable ac- commodations* It receives its most distant waters from ponds in Mont- viller. Sears.mont and Belmont in the county, of Waldo, and, in a southerly course, passes to Union, where it receives the waters of several ponds, and meets the tide at Warren. The length of this river is about 40 miles : it is navigable to Warren, 15 miles from the sea.
St. George, Vt.
Chittenden co. A small town bounded W. by Shelburne, 28 miles W. by N. from Montpelier, and 8 S. E. from Burlington. First set- died, 1784. Population, 183(T, 135. The .surface is high and uneven: the soil is composed of loam, clay and gravel.
St. Jolm’s River.
See Fundy, Bay.
St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Caledonia co. This pleasant and flourishing town is 35 miles N. E. from Montpelier, 57 N. from Han- over, N. H., and 7 E. from Danville. The town was organized in 1790. Population, 1830,1,592; 1838", ahout |