16th of May, 1753, Nathaniel Me- loon, living in the W. part of the town, was captured, together with his wife, and three children, viz : Sarah, Rachel, and Daniel. They were carried to Canada, where he and his wife were sold to the .French in Montreal. The three children were kept by the Indians. After the parents had resided in Montreal about a year and a half, they bad a son born, who was baptized by a French friar by the name of Joseph Mary. Mr. Me- loon returned from captivity after four years and a half, td his farm in Salisbury. Sarah died with the In- dians. Rachel, who was 9 years old when captured, returned after 9 years. She had become much attached to the Indians, was about to be married to PeterLouis, son of . Col. Louis, of Cognawaga. She had the habits, and acted like an Indian, understood the Indian lan- guage and could sing their.songs.
Hon. Ebenezer Webster was one of the early settlers; a patriot of the revolution; an officer of the militia; for several years a senator in the legislature, and a judge of the court of common pleas till his death in 1806. He was the father of the Hon. -Ezekiel and Dan- iel Webster, names well known throughout the country. Popula- tion, in 1830, 1,379.
Salisbury, Vt. |
Addison co. The widow of Amos Story, with 8 or 10 small children, was the first family that made Salis- bury a permanent residence. She came here in 1775, and endured every hardship incident to the life of a pioneer; chopping down tim- ber, clearing the land, laboring in the field, and sleeping in a cavern. Air. Story, was killed by the falling of a tree' previous to the removal of his family. The proprietors gave Mrs. Story 100 acres of land for her manly conduct. The soil of the town is generally good; it con- tains some rough land, and some excellent meadows. It is watered by Otter Creek, Middlebury -and Leicester rivers. The latter river affords a good wfcter power, which propels-a number of valuable manu- facturing establishments. Leices- ter river is the outlet of Lake Dun- more, a fine sheet of water, about four miles in length, and three fourths of a mile in width. This lake lies in Leicester and Salisbu- ry. There is a pleasant and flour- ishing village in the town, and a large cavern supposed to have been an Indian lodging place. Salisbu- ry lies 34 miles S'. W. from Mont- pelier, and Is bounded N. by AXid- dlebury. Population, 1830, 907.
Salisbury, Mass.
Essex co. In 1638, this town was granted, by the name of Mer- rimack, to be a plantation, unto Si- mon Bradstreet, Daniel Dennison, and others. The year following it was incorporated by the name of Colchester, and in 1640 assumed, by direction of the then general court, the name of Salisbury. It is seven by three miles in extent, and is bounded southerly by the river Alerrimaek, westerly by Powow river, which divides it from the town of Amesbury, northerly by the New Hampshire line, which separates it from the towns of South Hampton and Seabrook, and easter- ly by the sea.
In 1643, the plantation in New Hampshire, viz. Hampton, Exeter, Portsmouth and Dover, were united to Alassachusetts, and, together with Salisbury and Haverhill, form- ed into a new and distinct county, called Norfolk, -of which Salisbury was the shire town, and so contin- ued to the year 1679, when New Hampshire was again separated and formed into a royal government. In August, 1737, commissioners, ap- pointed by the crown, met at Hamp- ton falls, for the purpose of settling a controversy, respecting theboun- |