Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 386
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dary line, which had long subsisted
between the two governments* of
Massachusetts and New Hamp-
shire. On this occasion the gener-
al court of New Hampshire con-
vened at Hampton, and that of
Massachusetts at Salisbury. Salis-
bury is distant from Newburyport,
4 miles,from Haverhill 12, from Ex-
eter, N. H. 10, and from Portsmouth
20. Population, in 1837, 2,675. .

There are two considerable vil-
lages in Salisbury ; the largest is at
the westerly part of the town, up-
on Powow river at the head of tide
water. The village is divided by
said river into two pretty equal
parts, one in Salisbury, the other
in Amesbury. In that part of the
village that lies in Salisbury, are
two flannel factories, one 200 feet
long and 50 feet wide, the'other 100
feet by 40 feet. The establishment
is called, the Salisbury Manufac-
turing Corporation. Capital $500,-
000. There is also in this village
a large tannery, and manufactures
of cotton goods, shoes, combs, boats,
wherries and molasses casks..

The other village is pleasantly
situated on the bank of the Merri-
mack, on a point of land formed by
the junction of that river with the
Powow ; and is generally known by
the distinctive name of
Shipbuilding long has been,
and still is, a principal branch of
business in this place; and its char-
acter is well established for build-
ing excellent vessels. There are
now nine sail of vessels owned in
this village and employed partly in
the coasting trade, and partly in the
cod and mackerel fishery.

The annual product of the man-
ufactures of Salisbury, including
vessels, and of the fishery, is about

Salisbury and Amesbury are fine-
ly located for business; the villages
are neat and the scenery around
them very pleasant.
is noted for its beauty, and
is much frequented.


Salisbury^ Ot<

Litchfield co. The Housatonick
and Salmon rivers give this town a
great and constant water power.
The surface of Salisbury is formed
of lofty elevations and deep val-
leys ; but tbe soil is excellent for
all sorts of grain and pasturage.
The valleys are generally lime-
stone, and the bills granite. The
number of sheep kept here in 1837,
was 8,999.

“ Salisbury Centre,” a pleasant
village*, is 58 miles N. W. from
New Haven, 50 W. N. W. from
Hartford, 22-N. W. from Litchfield,
and 34 N. W.-by W. from Hudson,
N. ’ Y. Population, 1830, 2,580.
The Indian name of the town was
Wecttog. It was first settled by
the whites, in 1720.

Salisbury has long been celebra-
ted for its excellent iron ore and
iron manufactures. The guns on
board our favorite frigate, “ Old
Iron £>ides,” used by Truxton in
the capture of the L’lnsurgente,
were made at the old furnace in

The “ Old Ore Hill,5* two miles
west of
Wanscopommuc lake, has
been worked since the yeah 1732.
Within the last 10 or 15 years, from
five to six thousand tons of ore have
been dug* annually. The ore is
sold at the mine for $3 a ton. One
dollar and twenty-five cents is paid
to the proprietor of the mine, and
the residue to the miner. The first
furnace in Salisbury was erected in
1762, at the outlet of Wanscop-
ommuc, by S. and E. Forbes, Mr.
Hazeltine, and Ethan Allen, the
hero of Ticonderoga. A large
amount of cannon, halls, and bomb-
shells were manufactured here dur-
ing the revolutionary war.

The large and inexhaustible quan-
tities of iron ore found in Salisbury,
and the abundant supply of wood
for charcoal, and other materials
necessary for smelting the ore, to-
gether with the superior quality


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