of iron, introduced other manufac- tures ; and iron has continued from that time the staple commodity of the town. There are at present in Salisbury, 4' blast furnaces, 5 forges, with 20 fires, 2 puddling establishments, 1 screw shop, 1 anchor shop, 2 scythe manufacto- ries, 1 hoe manufactory, 2 trip ham- mers, 2 cupola or pocket furnaces, for small castings.
From five to six hundred thousand bushels of charcoal are annually consumed at the different establish- ments. The puddling furnaces re- quire from two to , three thousand cords ol wood annually. The num- ber of workmen employed in the different processes of preparing the material and manufacturing the iron, amount in all to abojit five hun- dred men. The furnaces produce annually from two thousand to two thousand five hundred tons of pig iron. The forges and puddling es- tablishments annually produce from one thousand two hundred to one thousand five hundred ton’s of wrought iron, which is used for an- chors, car axletrees, musket bar- rels, and various oth'er kinds of drafts. The Salisbury iron ore is the brown hematite, and yields about forty per cent of. pig iron. It is well known to manufacturers, and stands as fair in the market as any other iron in the country.
Salmon Rivers.
Salmon river, in Maine, is a trib- utary to the Penobscot, of about 30 miles in length. Its course is S., and falls into the Penobscot about 4 miles below the union of the east- ern and western branches of that river. |
Salmon Fall river, Maine and New Hampshire. See Piscata- qua. In this river, between Ro- chester and Lebanon, Maine, is a fall, which, from its singularity, deserves notice. The river is con- fined between two rocks, about 25 feet high, the breadth at the top of the bank not more than three rods. It is called thejlume, and is about four rods in length, its breadth va- rying, from two and one half feet to less than one foot; but here the water has a subterraneous passage. In the rocks are many cavities from one to seven feet in diameter, most- ly cylindrical, and from one to four feet in depth.
Salmon Brook. See JVashua, N H.
Salmon river, Connecticut. This beautiful mill stream has its source in the high lands in Tolland coun- ty, and passing south, receiving in its course many valuable tributa- ries, it meets the Connecticut at East Haddam, producing a beauti- ful cataract. There is a river of this name.in Salisbury, Ct.
Sanbornton, N. H.,
Sfrafford co., has New Hampton and Meredith on the N.,Gilmanton E. and S. E., Franklin S. and W., and is 20 miles N. from. Concord, 60 N. W. from Portsmouth, and 9 W. from Gilford.
The bay between Sanbornton and Meredith is 3 miles in width. There are no rivers or ponds of magnitude in this town. Salmon Brook pond, in the N. part, and a brook of the same name, its outlet, are the only ones worth mentioning. This brook passes through the N. W. part of the town, and affords several mill sites.
Sanbornton presents an uneven surface, but contains no mountains. The highest hills, with one or two exceptions, admit of cultivation. The soil is almost universally good, and well rewards the labor of pa- tient industry. There is a gulf in this town extending nearly a mile through very hard rocky ground, 3S feet in depth, the walls from 80 to 100 feet asunder, and the sides so nearly corresponding as to favor an opinion that they were once uni- ted. There is also a cavern in the declivity of a hill, which may be |