Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 389
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N. and W. sides thereof were “so
loaded with inaccessible mountains
and shelves of rocks as to be unin-
habitable”—an additional grant was
made of territory on the E. and S.,
Sandwich Addition. Sand-
wich mountains are a lofty range
extending N. E. and terminating in
Chocorua Peak in Albany. Squam
mountain, extending from Holder-
ness through a corner of Campton
into Sandwich, is of - considerable
height. There.are other mountains.
The Bearcamp river, its branches
rising in the mountains N. and W.,
passes E..into Tamworth. The W.
branch passes, through Bearcamp
pond. There is another pond not
far distant from this, from which is-
sues Red Hill river, passing S. into
the Winnepisiogee lake. A small
stream passes W. into the Pemige-
wasset river. About one fourth of
Squam lake lies in the S. W. corner
of Sandwich. This is a flourishing
town with a number.of mills. Thir-
ty thousand pounds of maple sugar
was made here in the spring of
1838. Population, 1830, 2,744.

Sandwich, Mass.

Barnstable co. This town is ve-
ry pleasantly ^situated on the shoul-
der of Cape' Cod, 12 miles S. W.
from Barnstable, 30 E. from New
Bedford, and 53 S. E. from Boston.
Incorporated,. 1639. Population,
1830, 3,367; 1837, 3,579. Sand-
wich is watered by a number of
streams which afford a good water
power; and by numerous ponds,
some of which are flarge, affording
a variety of excellent fish. The
forests afford an abundance of deer,
and to the lovers of rural sports,
Sandwich and the neighboring
towns of Barnstable and Falmouth
have justly become favorite resorts.
The value of the manufactures of
the town for the year ending April
1, 1837, amounted to $382,248.
They consisted of glass, ($300,000)
leather, nails, vessels, salt, iron cas-
tings, stoves, &c. The value of
the New England crown glass has
been fully tested and found to be
as clear and stronger than any oth-
er now in use. Sandwich has a good
harbor, and about 20 sail of coasting
and fishing vessels.

It is proposed to unite Massachu-
setts and Buzzard’s bays by a ship
canal through this town. The dis-
tance is five miles and the route
level. A glancs at Mr. Hale’s ex-
cellent map of New England, shows
most conclusively, the immense ad-
vantages to be derived- by such a

Sandy Bay, Mass.

See Gloucester.

Sandy Point, Mass.

The most northern extremity of
Nantucket Island, on which is a
light, 60 feet in height.

Sandy River, Me.

This valuable mill stream re-
ceives its head waters in the coun-
ty of Franklin, near Saddleback
mountain, and in a winding course
through the southern part of that
county it enters Somerset county
aud mingles with the Kennebec at
Starks, 37 miles above Augusta.
Sandy river is a fertilizing stream;
it receives a number of tributaries,
and waters a beautiful portion of
the state. Its length is about 45

Sanford, Me.

York co. Sanford is watered by
Mousum river; it has a good water
power, and an establishment for the
manufacture and printing of cotton
goods. Incorporated, 1768. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 2,324. It is 94 miles
S. W. from Augusta, 35 W. S. W.
from Portland, and is bounded S.
W, by Alfred

Sangerville, Me.

Piscataquis co. This beautiful
and thriving town is not mountain-
ous, but it is so elevated between
j Penobscot and Kennebec rivers that


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