Schoodic Lakes, Me.
These are large collections of water, of very irregular form, uni- ted together, by boatable passages, lying principally in Washington county, but extending west into the county of Penobscot. Their out- let is by a large stream of the same name, into the river Saint Croix, on the west side, of about 9 miles in length. . These lakes cover a large surface, they are naviga- ble for large boats, and their bor- ders, and indeed the whole country around them, are densely wooded. Vast quantities of timber and lum- ber descend from these waters to* the St. Andrews, Eastport and Lubec markets, on the Passamaquoddy.
' Scituate, Mass.
Plymouth-co. This town, the. Indian Satuit, lies at the mouth of North river, in Massachusetts bay, and has a convenient harbor,defend- ed by rocky clifts, and Ceader Point, on which is a Light bouse.
The .Worth River rises near the sources of the Taunton. It passes Pembroke, Hanover and Marsh- field, and meets the tide water here. This river is very deep, nar- row and crooked,'and is noted for the fine ships built on its banks. The manufactures of Scituate.con- sist- of leather, boots, shoes,1 tacks, vessels, &c. The value of vessels annually built is about $40,000^ These vessels are of superior me- chanism, and are built of native white oak, remarkable for its dura- bility. There are a number of ves- sels belonging to this town employ- ed in the merchant service and coasting'trade. During the year ending April 1, 1837, Scituate had 22 vessels engaged in the fishery : they took 6,500 barrels of macker- el, valued at $46,000.
The town extends back from the bay a considerable distance; it con- tains large tracts of salt meadow and some valuable upland. |
Scituate is 17 miles S. E. by S- from Boston and 20 N. W. by N. from Plymouth. First settled, 1633, Incorporated, 1637. Population, 1830, 3,470 ; 1837, 3,754.
The first settled minister in this town was the Rev. Charles Chauncy. He remained here twelve years previous to his becom- ing the second president of Har- vard College.
Rev. Tho.mas Clapp, president of Yale ✓College, was born in this town, in 1703. He graduated at Harvard College in 1722, and died in 1767.
Scituate, R. 1.
Providence co. This-town was a part of Providence until 1731, when it was incorporated. It lies 12 miles W. by S. from Providence, and, in 1830, had 3,394 inhabitants. The surface of the town is diversi- fied by hills and valleys: in the north part of the town the soil is a gravelly loam, better adapted to grazing than tillage. Pawtuxet river with several of its branches give Scituate a good water power, and large manufactories, particular- ly of cotton and wool are found on their banks. There is a valuable quarry of free-stone in the western part of the town.
Seabrook, ST. H.,
Rockingham co., is situated at the S. E. corner of the state, 17 miles S. S. W. from Portsmouth, and 7 N. from Newburyport, bounded N. by Hampton Falls, E. by the Atlan- tic, S. by Massachusetts,, W. by South Hampton and Kensington. It was formerly a part of Hampton Falls,and was granted,1768, to Jona- than Weare arid others. Settlements commenced here in 1638. The riv- ers are Black, Brown’s and Walton’s rivers. Many of the rivulets abound with bog ore of iron. This town derives its name from the number of rivers and rivulets meandering through it. Whale-boat building is |