Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 394
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the most important manufacture,
and is carried on to a greater extent
than in any other town in New Eng-
land. The larger part of the male
inhabitants are mechanics and sea-
men. Perhaps no town in the state
is better situated for carrying on
the Bay and Labrador fisheries than
this. Population, in 1830, 1,096.

Seaconnet Rocks, R. I.,

Or Point. See Little Compton.

Searsborgh, Vt.

Bennington co. Searsburgh is
too elevated on the Green Moun-
tains either for cultivation, popula-
tion, or wool growing. It has 40 in-
habitants, and 41 sheep. It is 11
miles E. from Bennington.

Searsmont, Me.

Waldo co. Searsmont has a good
soil, and some beautiful ponds. It
is a pleasant and flourishing town,
30 miles E. from Augusta, and 12
S. W. from Belfast. Population,
1837, 1,392. Wheat crop, same
year, 2,792 bushels.

Seaville, Me..

Hancock co. This town was in-
corporated in 1838, and comprises a
part of the island and town of
Mount Desert, and Bartlett’s, Rob-
inson’s, Hardwood and other small-
er islands on the coast.

Sebago Lake, Me.

Cumberland co. This is a beau-
ful sheet of water, about 12 miles in
length, and of various breadths. The
widest part is across from Baldwin
to Raymond, about 7 miles. It re-
ceives the waters of Long and sev-
eral other ponds, and of Crooked
river, at and from the north. It dis-
charges into Casco bay, at Fal-
mouth, by the Presumpscot. The
Cumberland and Oxford canal, com-
pleted in 1829, passes from this lake
to Portland, and is the channel of
considerable inland trade.

Sebago, Me.

Cumberland co. This town lies
between Sebago lake and Hancock
pond, and was taken from Baldwin
in 1826. It lies 87 miles S. W. by
W. from Augusta, and 30 N. W.
from Portland. It has a good soil
and is watered by small streams.
Population, 1837, 646.

Sebasticook River, Me.

This valuable mill stream rises
in Sangerville, Dover and Dexter,
on the border of Penobscot and
Piscataquis counties; it passes S.
E. and S. through Ripley, Harmo-
ny,Hartland and Palmyra to Chand-
lerville; it then runs S. W. through
Burnham and falls into the Kenne-
bec between Clinton and Winslow,
opposite to Waterville. This stream
receives several tributaries; it is
about 50 miles in length; it has nu-
merous falls and passes through a
delightful country.

Sebec, Me.

Piscataquis co. Sebec is a town-
ship of good soil, and is well water-
ed ,by Sebec Pond and its outlet,
Sebec river, which empties into the
Piscataquis, on the north side, in
the town of Milo. This town lies
87 miles N. N. E. from Augusta,
and 9 N. N. E. from Dover. In-
corporated, 1812. Population, 1837,
987. WTheat crop, same year, 7,650
bushels. ‘    .

Sebec Pond lies in the towns of
Sebec, Foxcroft and Bowerbank : it
is about 10 miles long, and about a
mile average breadth. Its outlet is
a good mill stream of about 10 miles
in length. The country around
these waters is fertile and heavily
timbered, and the scenery pictur-
esque and beautiful.

Seboois Bakes and River, Me.

Seboois Lakes are connected
sheets of water, of irregular form,
of about 15 miles in length, varying


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