in width from half a mile to a mile and a half. They lay near the Aroostook and constitute the head waters of the eastern branch of Pe- nobscot river. Seboois River is their outlet. See Penobscot River.
Sedgwick, Me.
Hancock co. Sedgwick lies on the west side of Blue Hill bay, 87 miles E. from Augusta, and about 25 S. by W. from Ellsworth. In- corporated, 1789. Population, 1837, 1,784. This town has good harbors and enjoys gre$t privileges for nav- igation. A number of vessels are owned here employed in the coast- ing trade and fishery, and ship building is an important branch of business. The soil of the town is not So productive as that more dis- tant from the sea, still it is abundant- ly able to supply its own people with bread stuffs and all the varie- ties of fruits and vegetables com- mon to a New England climate.
This town was named in honor of Theodore Sedgwick, an em- inent statesman and jurist, a senator to Congress, and for many years a judge of the supreme court of Mas- sachusetts. He died at Boston in 1813, aged 66, highly valued by his friends and coutitry.
Seekonk, 'Mass.
Bristol co. This town is watered by Seekonk, or Pawtucket river, also by Ten mile river, a good mill stream. It lies 41 miles S. from Boston, 4 E. by N. from Provi- dence, R. I., and 14 S. W. from Taunton. It was taken from Re- hoboth in 1812. Population, 1837, 2,016. There are three cotton mills in the town, which constitute the principal manufactures; the annu- al value of which is about $80,000.
Seven Mile Brook, Me. |
This stream rises by several branches in the counties of Somer- set and Franklin; it runs in a south- eastern direction, about 35 miles, affording mill privileges to the towns of Kingfield and New Portland, and mingles with the Kennebec at Anson, 40 miles N. E. from Augus- ta.
Seymour Bake, Vt.
See Charleston.
Shaftsbury, Vt.
Bennington co. This town lies between the Battenkill and Wal- loomsac, and gives' to those rivers some tributaries. West mountain lies in this town and Arlington. Shaftsbury lies 97 miles S. S. W. from Montpelier, and 8 N. from Bennington. First settled, 1763. Population, 1830, 2,143. Among tbe first settlers was the Hon. Jo- nas Galusha, late governor of the state. He was a captain in the militia in 1777, and commanded a company of the “ Green mountain boys,” at the battle of Bennington.
Although the surface of Shafts- bury is elevated, the soil is gener- ally of an excellent quality ; it feeds
12,000 sheep, and its products of beef cattle and of the dairy are considerable. There are valuable beds of iron ore in the town, pine timber and quarries of beautiful marble. Ithas a number of manu- facturing concerns on its small streams, a pleasant village and a school fund of $10,000.
Shapleigh, Me.
York co. Between Shapleigh and Acton are some pleasant ponds, the source of Mousum river which emp- ties into the sea at Kennebunk. A bed of rich bog iron ore has recent- ly been discovered in the town, which promises' great usefulness. The surface of the town is gener- ally level, and the soil favorable for the growth of wool, grass, wheat and other grain. Here are iron works and other manufactures.
Shapleigh was incorporated, 1785. |