Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 396
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Population, 1S37, 1,547. It is 103
miles S. W. from Augusta, and 6
N. W. from Alfred.

Sharon, IV. II.,

Hillsborough co.,is bounded N. by-
Peterborough, E. by Temple, S. by
New Ipswich and Rindge, and W.
by Jaffrey. It is 18 miles
W. by S.
from Amherst, and 48 S. S.W. from
Concord. The streams in Sharon are
small branches of Contoocook riv-
er, and rise near the S. E. corner of
the town. Boundary mountain lies
on the line between this town and
Temple, and has an elevation of
200 feet above the surrounding
country. Sharon was incorporated,

1791. Population, in 1830, 271.

Sharon, Vt.

Windsor co. White river passes
through Sharon and affords it an
abundant water power. Here are
mills for the manufacture of wool-
en goods, paper and other articles.
It contains a handsome and flour-
ishing village. Tbe surface of the
town is broken, but the soil is warm
and productive. It keeps about

5,000 sheep. Sharon was first set-
tled in 1763. Population, 1830,
1,459. It lies 22 miles N. from
Windsor, and 34 S. by E. from

Sharon, Mass.

Norfolk‘co. Mashapoag pond in
this town is one of the sources of
Neponset river. Sharon h'as a good
water power ; one woolen and two
cotton mills. There are also man-
ufactures of axes, bed-steads, straw
bonnets, leather, boots, shoes, wool
cards, machinery, joiners’ gages,
&c.: annual value, about $75,000.
Sharon is a very pleasant town ; the
scenery around Mashapoag, the In-
dian name of the place, i3 highly
pleasing. There is good fishing in
this pond. This town was incorpo- ;
rated, in 1765. It is 18 miles S. S.
W. from Boston, 8 S. from Dedham, |
and 24 N. by E. from Providence,
R. I. Population, 1837, 1,093.

Sharon, Ct.

Litchfield co. Sharon lies on the
west side of Housatonick river,
opposite to Cornwall. The eastern
part of the town is elevated, moun-
tainous, and stony, but is suited for
grazing: the western part, which
•borders on the state of New York,
is a fertile tract of undulating land,
and very productive of all sorts of
grain. Agriculture is the chief
business of the inhabitants: they
provide for about 10,000 sheep.
Population 1830, 2,615.

Sharon was first settled in 1739.
The village is situated principally
on one street, on the eastern side of
a beautiful valley, 16 miles W. N.
W. from Litchfield, and 47 W. by
N. from Hartford. There is a beau-
tiful village called “ Hitchcock’s
Corner,” partly in Sharon and part-
ly in the state of New York: this
also is situated in a beautiful valley,
and rich in agricultural resources.

“ Considerable numbers of the
Indians resided in the western and
northwestern parts of the town,
which are watered by two large
ponds, and by the
Ten .Mile river,
which touches the western bor-
ders of the town. Their principal
village was on the east side of the
Indian pond, so called, which is a
body of water lying partly in the
state of New York, and partly in
Connecticut. On a romantic and
beautiful plain, lying between this
pond on the west, and the
, on the east, was a nu-
merous village, 'where the natives
continued to reside for many years
after the whites came into the town.
This tribe was visited by the Mo-
ravian missionaries, and one of them
died and was buried there. He
died in 1749, and a plain stone was
placed over his grave, with the fol-
lowing inscription:

“ David Bruce of Edinburgh in


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