Scotland, Minister of The Breth- ren’s Church among the Indians. Depart’d 1749.”
This town took an active part in favor of the liberties of the coun- try.
“The approach of a large British army from Canada, under General Burgoyne, and the expedition up the North River, under General Vaughan, in 1777, filled the whole country with terror and desponden- cy, and created strong fears' and doubts as to the issue of the con- troversy : the firmness and confi- dence of Parson Smith, however, remained unbroken, and his efforts to revive the drooping spirits of his oeople were unremitted. In the month of October, he preached a sermon from these words: “ Watch- man, what of the night? The Watchman saith, the morning com- eth.” In this discourse he dwelt much upon the indications, which the dealings of Providence afford- ed, that a bright and glorious morn- ing was about to dawn upon along night of defeat and disaster. He told the congregation, that he be- lieved they would soon hear of a signal victory crowning the arms of America; and he exhorted them Jo trust with an unshaken and fearless confidence in that God, who,, he believed, would yet crown with success the efforts of the friends of liberty in this country. Before the congregation was dismissed, a mes- senger arrived, with the intelli- gence of the surrender of Bur- goyne’s army. Parson Smith read the letter, conveying the intelli- gence, from the pulpit, and a flood of joy and gratitude burst from the congregation.”
Shawsheen River, Mass.
This river rises in Lexington and Bedford. It passes Billerica, Wil- mington and Tukesbury, and falls into the Merrimack, at Andover, 20 miles N. by W. from Boston. |
Sheepscot River and Bay, Me.
The head waters of this river are derived from ponds in Palermo. Its course,is south through the towns of Whitefield and Aina. It meets the tide water between Wiscasset and New Castle, and proceeds to a bay of the same name. The length of the river from its source to the bay is about 35 miles. This river is valuable on account of its hy- draulic power and navigable facili- ties.
Sheepscot Bay sets up from the sea between Boothbay and George- town, and receives the waters of the rive.r. It is about 3 miles wide at its mouth, and extends about 10 miles north. The whole of these waters are often called “ Sheepscot River.” The mouth of this bay or river bears about N. E., 6 miles, from Seguin Light, at the mouth ©f Kennebec river.
Sheffield, Vt.
Caledonia co. This town is 35 miles N. E. from Montpelier, and 16 N. from Danville. First settled,
1792. Population, 1830, 720.
This town lies on the height of land between Connecticut river and Memphremagog lake. Branch- es of Passumpsic and Barton rivers both rise here. It is watered by several ponds. The lands are gen- erally broken and not very produc- tive.
Sheffield, Mass.
Berkshire co. This is a very pleasant town, on both sides of the Housatonick. The river meanders circuitously and slowly through the town, and forms large tracts of rich alluvial meadow. In large fresh- ets the river overflows its banks to a great extent, and forms the ap- pearance of a large lake. The vil- lage is neat; situated in a beauti- ful valley, surrounded by hills, one of which is 3,000 feet in Height, and presents a great variety of de- |