lightful scenery. There are man- ufactures in the town of leather, hats, ploughs, and spirits, but the principal business of the people is agricultural. In 1837, there were 6,892 sheep sheared in the town : the value of the wool amounted to $11,372. Marble and iron ore are abundant.
Sheffield is the oldest town in the county : it was'incorporated in 1733. It lies 140 miles S. W. from Boston, 20 S. from Lenox, and 28 E. from Hudson, N. Y. Population, 1837, 2,308.
Shelburne, N. II.
Coos co. Androscoggin' river passes through the centre of this town, into which fall the waters of Rattle river and some smaller streams. The soil on each bank of the liver is very good, producing in abundance grain and grass: bat as we rise from the river, the tracts are mountainous and unfit for culti- vation.
Mount Moriah, an elevated peak of the White Mountains, lies in the
S. part of Shelburne. Moses’ Rock, so called from the first man known to have ascended it, (Moses Ingalls) is on the south side of the river, near the centre of the town. It is about 60 feet high and SO long, very smooth, and rising in an angle of nearly 50°. In 1778, David and Benjamin Ingalls commenced a set- tlement at Shelburne, and not long afterwards, several families were added. In August, 1781, a party of Indians visited this town, killed <>ne man, made another prisoner, plundered the houses, and returned to Canada in sHvage triumph. This town was incorporated in 1820. Population,. 1830, 312.
Shclburn, Vt.
Chittenden co. ^On the east side of Lake Champlain, 33 miles W. by N.- from Montpelier, and 7 S. from Burlington. Population, 1830,1,123. Logan’s and Potter’s points were
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settled previous to the revolutionary war by men of those names. Dur- ing the war these settlements were abandoned, but re-established at its close. Shelburn is finely watered by Platt river, a pond covering- 600 acres, and by the waters of the lake.
Shelburn Bay sets into the town- ship about 4 miles from the N. W., and affords the town a good harbor, and a depot of the interior trade on the beautiful Champlain. The soil of the town is strong, fertile, and generally well improved. About
10,000 sheep are within its limits.
Shelburne, Mass.
Franklin co. This town lies on the N. side of Deerfield river op- posite to Conway. It is 100 miles W. by N. from Boston, and 5 W. from Greenfield. Population, 1837, 1,018. Incorporated, 1768. Deer- field river falls in this town a dis- tance of 20 feet, and produces a val- uable water power.
The manufactures of the town consist of woolen goods, leather, boots, shoes, scythes, palm-leaf hats, &c. : annual value about
$40,000. The soil of the town is generally of a good quality; con- siderable wool is grown, and some cattle and products of the dairy are sent to market. More than common attention is paid to mental culture. This is a pleasant and flourishing town: the scenery about the falls is very handsome.
Sheldon, Vt.
Franklin co. The first settle- ments commenced here in, 1790, by Elisha and Samuel B. Sheldon, from Salisbury, Connecticut. This is a good township of land, productive of wool, grain, and other northern commodities. The river Missisque passes through the town,, and Black creek, a branch of that river, gives Sheldon ran ample water power. The village is a thriving place, both in its manufactures and trade. It lies 46 miles N. W. from Montpe- |