lier, 32 N. by E. from Burlington, and 10 N. N. E. from St. Albans. Population, 1830, 1,427.
She pang River, Ct.
This river rises'in Goshen, in the county of Litchfield; it receives several branches, and passes south, through the towns of Washington and Roxbury, and falls into the Housatonick at Southbury. This is a good mill stream, in some parts rapid, in others gentle and fertiliz- ing.
Sherburne, Vt.
Rutland co. Killington Peak, 3,924 feet in height, several ponds, and Thundering brook, with a hand- some fall, lie in this town. Queechy river rises in this town, and along its banks is some good land; but the lands are generally too elevated even for pasturage. Sherburne was first settled in 1785. It lies 22 miles N. W. from Windsor, and 10 E. from Rutland. Population, 1830, 452.
Sherburne, Mass.
Middlesex co. This town is wa- tered by Charles and Sudbury riv- ers. It is 13 miles S. \Y. by W. from Boston, and 15 S. from Con- cord. Population, 1S37,1,037. In- corporated, 1674. The soil of Sher- burne is very good and productive. The village is on'elevated land; it is pleasant,and commands good pros- pects. The manufactures of the town consist of straw bonnets, boots, shoes, leather, axes, fork?, plougfts, musket-* and whips : annual value, about $30,000.
Sherman, Ct.
Fairfield co. Sherman was for- merly the north part of New Fair- field,and incorporated in 1802. Pop- ulation, 1330,947. It is 60 miles S. W. from Hartford, 13 N. from Dan- bury, and bounded W. by the state of New York. There is a variety of soils in the town, but they are generally strong, warm, and pro- ductive of grass and grain. A branch of the Housatonick waters the town. Iron ore is found here. |
Shetucket River* Ct.
This fine mill stream receives its head waters by several branches in the counties of Windham and Tol- land. It passes between* Lisbon and Franklin and uniting with the Quinnebaug at Norwich, flows in- to the Thames. Its principal bran- ches are the Natchaug and Willi- mantic.
Shirley, Me.
Piscataquis co. This town was in- corporated in 1834. It was former- ly No. 3 in the 4th range- of the Bingham Purchase. It is watered by the higher branches of Piscata- quis river, and lies about 76 miles N. hy E. from Augusta. Popula- tion, 1837, 213.
Shirley, Mass.
Middlesex co. This is a very pleasant agricultural and manufac- turing town, 32 miles N. W. from Boston, 16 N. W. from Concord, and 13 S. W. from Lowell. There are some elevations in the town, but of warm and fertile soil. There are large tracts of intervale land along the streams, which are very fertile and valuable.
Shirley is separated from Groton by Nashua river, and from Pepperell by the Squanicook, a branch of the Nashua. These streams afford Shir- ley a fine water power, which ren- ders it an excellent location for man- ufacturing establishments. There are 1 woolen and 3 cotton mills in tbe town, and manufactures of boots, shoes, paper, leather, palm-leaf hats,
&.c. Annual value, abqut $125,- 000. Population, 1837, 967.
. . Shoreham, Vt.
Addison co. This town lies on the east, side of Lake Champlain, and is watered by Lemonfair river, a good mill stream. It is 12 miles |