Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 400
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S. W. from Middlebury, and 26 N.
from Whitehall, N. Y. The lake
here is about a mile wide. Popu-
lation, 1830, 2,137. The surface of
the town is level and the soil re-
markably good. This is one of the
best farming towns in the state. In
1837, there was 26,584 sheep in
Shoreham. There are some manu-
factures in the town, and a pleasant
and flourishing village on the banks
of the lake. Most of the waters
here are impregnated with Epsom
salts. See

Shoreham was first settled in
1766, by a number of persons who
adopted the plan of holding all things
in common. This mode of holding
property was, however, relinquish-
ed about the time of the revolu-
tionary war.

Shrewsbury, Vt.

Rutland co. This town lies 22
miles W. from Windsor and 9 S.
E. from Rutland. Population, in
1S30, 1,239. This is amountainous
township, having Shrewsbury Peak
within its limits, a summit 4,034 feet
above the sea. Mill and Cold riv-
ers and Peal’s and Ashley’s Ponds
water the town, and fall into Otter
Creek. There is some good land
in this mountain town, and between
three and four thousand sheep graze
on its surface.

Sh-rewstonry, Mass.

Worcester co. This is an agri-
cultural town of a pleasing variety
of surface, and good soil, 36 miles
W. by S. from Boston and 6 E. from
Worcester. Quinsigamond or Long
Pond lies principally in this town.
It is nearly four miles in length and
from 40 to 250 rods in width. It
empties into the Blackstone river
and canal, and produces a consider-
able hydraulic power. A floating
bridge crosses this pond for the ac-
commodation of the Worcester turn-
pike, 525 feet in length, built in
1818, and cost $6,000.

The manufactures of Shrewsbury

consist of clothing, guns, hats.
chairs, straw bonnets, leather, boots,
shoes, &c: the value of which, dur-
ing the year ending April 1, 1837,
was $211,287. The town was in-
corporated, 1727. Population, 1830,
1,386; 1837, 1,507.

Levi Pease, the father of mail
stages in this country, was a native
of this town. He died here in 1824,
aged 86. Mr. Pease was a man of
great enterprise; he projected the
first turnpike road in New England,
and to his zeal and sacrifices the
public is more indebted than to any
other man for its excellent mail es-
tablishment. At the* time Mr.
Pease started his first line of mail
stages between Boston and New
York, in 1784,* the mail between
those places passed only once a fort-
night, on horseback, in a pair of

Shutesbury, Mass.

This town is on high land, 10
miles E. from Connecticut river, 9
N. by E. from Amherst, 16 S. S.E.
from Greenfield, and 78 W. by N.
from Boston. Incorporated, 1761.
Population, 1837,816. Copper ore,
and soapstone, are found here. On
Swift river are three shingle mills
and a wheel factory. There is a
mineral spring of some note in this
town, containing, in solution, iron,
&cc. There is also a pond,
covering about 700 acres, with an
abundance of fine fish.

Ephraim Pratt lived in this town
many years, and died here in 180*4,
aged 116 years. He married at
the age of 21, and could count 1,500
descendants. He was a very tem-
perate man, so much so that for 40
years he took no animal food. He
was a farmer, and his health was so
uniformly good that he was able to
mow a good swath 101 years in suc-
cession. He was born at Sudbury,

Sidney, Me.

Kennebec co. Sidney is very


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