Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 403
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bury and Alexandria, falls into the
Pemigewasset, between Bristol and

Solon, Me.

Somerset co. Solon is a flourish-
ing farming town, on the east side
of Kennebec river, opposite to
Embden. It lies 44 miles N. by
W. irotn Augusta, and 18 N. from
Norridgewock. Population, 1830,
768; 1837, 1,129. Wheat crop,

1837, 6,567 bushels. The town is
well watered by a pond and several
streams : it has a pleasant village,
and some manufactures.

Somers, Ct.

Tolland co. This town lies 22
miles N. E. from Hartford, 10 N.
hy W. from Tolland, and 12 S. E.
from Springfield, Mass. First set-
tled, 1713. It was incorporated by
Massachusetts in 1734, and named
in honor of Lord Somers, at the re-
quest of Governor Belcher.

Part of the town is level, and
productive of grass and grain, and
part is quite elevated, producing
good pasturage for sheep, and pre-
senting delightful views of the val-
ley of Connecticut river. It is wa-
tered by Seantic river.

Somers has a very neat village,
in which is a large establishment
for the manufacture of straw bon-
nets. Population, 1830, 1,429.

Somerset County, Me.

JSCorridgewock., chief town.—
Previous to the formation of Piscat-
aquis and Franklin counties, in

1838, for which purpose a consider-
able portion of Somerset was taken,
this county contained an area of
about 8,785 square miles. Incor-
porated, 1809. About one third of
tbis territory maybe said to be set-
tled, incorporated or granted, the
residue, a wilderness. Its popula-
tion, in 1820, was 21,787; 1830,
33,588; 1837,40,963. Population
to a square mile, 4 1-2. Gain in
population, in seven years, 22 per

The present county of Somerset
is bounded N. by Lower Canada, E.
by Piscataquis and a part of Penob-
scot counties, S. by the counties of
Kennebec and Franklin, and W. by
Franklin county and Lower Can-

This county is watered by many
ponds, some of the large tributa-
ries of the Kennebec, and by the
upper waters of many other im-
portant rivers in Maine: but its
chief river is the noble Kennebec,
which enters the county at its rise
from Moose Head lake, and passing
from that lake, which skirts the east-
ern boundary of the county, it tra-
verses nearly in its centre about 75
miles. This river serves, at pres-
ent, as a great thoroughfare to the
ocean for an immense amount of
timber, lumber and wood, the first
fruits of the industry of pioneers to
a heavily timbered country; and,
in after times, will serve for the
transportation of the productions of
a fertile soil to distant markets, and
of the wants of the inhabitants
from abroad.

The surface of this county is di-
versified by considerable eleva-
tions and extensive valleys, which
give it a varied and pleasing' as-
pect. With the exception of the
mountain range, which skirts the
hounds of Canada, and the Bald
Mountain ridge, nearly in the cen-
tre of the county, Mount Bigelow
and Mount Abraham, on the bor-
der of Franklin county, are the
most lofty.

So far as the march of improve-
ment has been made in this interior
and almost wilderness county, the
soil of the lands, generally, is found
to be fertile, as easy of cultivation,
and as productive of all the varie-
ties of grasses, grains, vegetables and
fruits, as any portion of New Eng-
land, with very few exceptions.
The more interior portions of the


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