county, those watered by the up- per branches of the Penobscot and Walloomstook, now a wilderness, are said to be the most fertile. In 1837, there were in the old county of Somerset, 77,921 sheep; and, during that year, it produced 239,- 332 bushels of wheat, being the largest quantity of that valuable, grain produced by any county in Maine, and probably by any county in New England.
Somerset, Vt.
Windham co. Mount Pisgah , and other elevations give to the sur- face of this township so rough and drear an aspect, that but few are bold enough to attempt the cultiva- tion of its soil. It is watered by the upper branches of Deerfield river. Population, 1830, 245.
Somerset stands 15 miles N. E. from Bennington, and 14 W. from Newfane. It would put the neigh- boring towns into a pretty pickle if it should turn a Somerset.
Somerset, Mass.
Bristol co. This town is pleas- antly situated on the northern side of Taunton river, opposite to Fall River, and is the proposed depot of a rail road from Fall River to Provi- dence, R. I. It is 16 miles S. E. from Providence, 13 S. from Taun- ton, and 45 S. from Boston. Popu- lation, 1837, 1,063. Incorporated, 1790.
There are some manufactures of stone and earthern wares, but ship building is the principal branch of mechanics in the town.
Somerswortli, INT. H.
Strafford co. This town was for- merly a part of Dover. It was in- corporated in 1754. It is hounded N. W. by Rochester, N. E. by Sal- mon fall river, which divides it from Berwick, Me., and S. W. by Do- ver. It is 11 miles N. by W. from Portsmouth and 45 E. from Concord. |
The White Mountains may be seen from the summit of Otis’ hill; also the steeples of the meeting houses in Portsmouth, and the masts of the shipping in the harbor.
The soil of this town is well adapted to Indian corn, and almost all kinds of grain and grass. The tide flows on the east side of this to.wn, four miles to Quamphegan falls. The river is of sufficient depth, till within a mile of said falls, for vessels of 250 tons. The S. part of this town is bounded on Cocheco river, from its confluence with the Piscataqua to the mouth of Fresh creek, near a mile; and from thence by said creek to its head, nearly a mile and a half.
There are but two ponds of note in this town: Humphrey’s pond on the line' of Dover, 200 rods long and 120 rods wide; and Cole’s pond, 150 rods long and 75 wide.
Red and yellow ochre, also iron ore, have been found in this town. The ochre has been used in paint- ing houses, and has been found to make a durable paint.
At Great Falls, are extensive manufactories, and a large and beautiful village.
This town was settled between 1650 and 1700, by William Went- worth and others. Many of the first settlers were killed or taken captive and carried to Canada. Eb- enezer Downs, who was a quaker, was taken by the Indians at Indigo hill, in 1724, and carried to Canada. He was grossly insulted and abused by them, because he refused to dance as the other prisoners did for the diversion of their savage cap- tors.
Nicholas Pike, author of a popular system of arithmetic, was born in this town, October 6, 1743.
John Wentworth, son of tbe Hon. John Wentworth, was born in this town, July 14, 1745 ; and was graduated at Harvard college, 1768. He entered on the study oi the law, and settled at Dover. When ap- plication was made to him to put an |