30 feet wide and 3 feet deep, called the Cross. The Kenduskeag is so rapid that it rises and falls much quicker than the Sowadabscook. When the streams are rising, the current in the Cross sets towards the. Sowadabscook, and when falling, towards the Kenduskeag.
The country watered by the Sowadabscook is generally- rather level and free from hills, though there are many swells of Very fine farming land. In the towns of Hermon and Hampden is a large tract* very little elevated above the level of the stream,-and liable to be overflowed by freshets. It is too low for -settlement, and is chiefly covered-with wood. The improve- ment of this land requires too great an outlay of capital for a new coun- try, but it will probably at some time be among the- most valuable in this country for. mowing.
There are on this stream,, in Hampden, five superior saw mills, a grist and paper mill, and the privi- leges are excelled by few in New England. Upon the Kenduskeag are 9 mills below tbe Cross, many of them superior double mills. The pine timber has been cut off upon the waters of this stream to such an extent, as to give a high value to that which remains, and to the hem- lock .timber, of which there are great quantities of fine quality.
Since our first pages went to press, we have received, from an obliging friend, the following infor- mation in regard to Carmel. |
The township of Carmel, border- ing on the Sowadabscook, is a very level tract of land; most of it of a very light and fertile soil, free of stone. The- valleys have a fine growth of pine timber, wliicb has been carefully preserved by the owners, and may be run, by means of the Cross, at a* small expense, either to Bangor or Hampden.— There is probably no town infthis section'of the county, in which there .was originally so valuable a growth of pine, or in which there is so large a quantity remaining. The swells are large, and are cov- ered with the rock maple, beech, birch, ike., and are of a very supe- rior quality for tillage- Near the streams are large tracts of intervale of great fertility, and making very fine meadows. There is little waste land in the town. The swamps are few and of small extent, but fur- nish cedars in sufficient quantities for fencing, for which use they are the finest and most durable mate- rial.
The settlement of this town is rapidly progressing, and many of the farms recently cleared are very superior, and the buildings, fences, and improvements, show an active, industrious and -enterprising peo- ple.
The village near the centre of the town, is a very thriving and active place of business;- on the stage road from Bangor to Skowhe- gan, 13 miles W. from Bangor, and 11 W.*N. W. from Hampden. Here are four stores, two taverns, an apothecary shop, potash, black- smiths, coopers, shoemakers, join- ers, and other shops; an extensive tannery, mills, &c., and a meeting house is about being built. In the town are five good school bouses, five saw mills,clapboard and shin- gle mill, grist mill, and clothing mill.
’There are found in this town some fine specimens of petrified shells, at an elevation of 125 to 130 feet above the Penobscot, and near the banks of the stream, showing that this valley was once covered by the ocean.
The roads in the towns watered by thi3 stream are exceedingly well made, and creditable to the inhab- itants, though it is remarkable, that several of them, which were made in the early settlement, pass over decidedly the most inferior lands in those towns. This is particularly |