true of the road from Hampden through Carmel and Etna to New- port: and' the settlement of this section was formerly retarded, with- out doubt, by the unfavorable im- pression created by this circum- stance. The projected rail road from Bangor to Augusta is survey- ed to pass through this town, near the bank of" the stream; and the level character of the country is exceedingly well adapted for that purpose.
Spafford’s Lake, N. II.
See Che&terjield.
Speckled Mountain, Me.
Oxford co. This mountain lies, on the line of New Hampshire, partly in the town of Riley, and is said to be 4,000 feet above sea level.
Spencer, Mass.
Worcester co. Seven Mile riv- er, a branch .of the-Chickopee, wa- ters this town. There are two woolen mills in the town, and man- ufactures of scythe snaiths, straw bonnets, boots, shoes, leather, cab- inet ware, chairs, palm-leaf hats, harnesses, and barrels : annual val- ue, about $80,000.
This township is quite elevated for the section of country in which it lies. It is stated to be the sum- mit level between the waters of Boston harbor and Connecticut riv- er, 950 feet above the former, and 880 feet above the latter. The surface of the town is agreeably varied by hills and valleys: the soil is fertile, and cultivated by men of industry and independence. .
Spencer is 52 miles W. from Bos- ton, and 12 W. from Worcester. Population, in 1830, 1,618 ; 1837, 2,085. It was taken from Leices- ter in 1753.
Spiggot River, K. H.,
Rises in Hampstead, and passes through Salem, and into the Merri-
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mack between Methuen and Dra- cut, Mass., nearly opposite Shaw sheen river,-which comes from the S., through Andover.
Split, Cape, Me.
See Addison.
Springfield, Me.
Penobscot co. The Matakeunk, a branch of the Matawamkeag, rises here, and, with several ponds, gives the town a considerable wa- ter power. The soil of the town is fertile, and in 1S37, with a popula- tion of 398, produced 9,429 bushels of wheat. Springfield was No. 5, 2d range N. of the Bingham Pur- chase, and was incorporated in 1834. It lies about 60 miles N. E. by E. from Bangor.
Springfield, N. II.
Sullivan co. Th» town is bound- ed N. by Grafton, E. by Wilmot, S. E. by New London, S. by Wen- dell and Croydon, W. by Croydon and Grantham. It lies 35 miles N. W. from Concord and 13 N. E. from Newport. A branch of Sugar riv- er has its source-in this town; and also a' branch of the Blackwatdr river. The. former empties into the Connecticut,the latter into the Mer- rimack. There are several ponds, viz. Station pond, about 250 rods long, 140 wide; Cilley pond, 240 rods long, and about 80 wide ; Star, Stony, and Morgan’s ponds. The land is rough and stony. This town was granted in 1769, by the name of Protectworth. Its first settle- ment commenced in 1772. It was incorporated by the name»of Spring- field, 1794. Population, 1830,1,202.
Springfield, Vt.
Windsor co. Springfield is situ- ated at the S. E. corner of the county, on the W. side of Connect- icut river, and is 70 miles- S. from Montpelier, 24 S. from Woodstock, and 110 N. W. from Boston. Pop- ulation, 1830, 1,498. |