The land' in Springfield is gen- erally rich, with a deep soil suita- ble for grass or tillage ; bn the riv- ers are extensive intervales, form- ing some of the mo?t beautiful farms in the state. The principal agri- cultural products, are corn, rye, oats, beef, pork, butter, cheese; and wool, of which 17,872 fleeces were shorn in 1837. Many horses are raised in this town and sent to mar- ket.
The principal village'is situated on Black River falls, near the centre of the town. These falls are about four miles from the con- fluence of Black river with the Connecticut; their descent is rapid over a rocky, bed, about 60 rods, when the waters are contracted, and precipitated 50 or 60 feet down an abrupt ledge into a narrow chan- nel. This ravine extends about 12 rods; it is 60 or 70 feet deep, and is walled by perpendicular ledges of mica slate. Over this ravine has been erected ^bridge, from which may be had a full view of the falls. A mist constantly arises, in which may be seen, in a fair day, all the colors of the rainbow.
. There are in Springfield 1 cotton and 2 woolen mills, a sand paper factory, on ,an extensive scale, which produces an excellent arti- cle, and manufactures of machine cards, machinery, iron ware, lead pipe, hats, chairs, tin and copper wares, scythes, leather, cabinet fur- niture, and various other articles. This is a very flourishing town, and tbe scenery around its neat and handsome village is delightful.
Springfield, Mass. |
Chief town, Hampden co. This is one of the most beautiful and important inland towns in New England. It is situated on the east bank of Connecticut river, and is supplied with a good hydraulic power by Chickopee and Mill riv- ers. It is 87 miles W. by S. from Boston, 17 S. by E. from North- ampton, and 27 N. from Hartford, Ct. Its Indian name was Agawam. First settled, 1635. Incorporated, 1645. Population, 1820, 3,914; 1830, 6,784 ; 1S37, 9,234. Along the. banks of the Connecticut are large tracts of fine alluvial meadow, which are very productive. Back from the river the" land rises by a gentle acclivity to an extended pine plain.
The village and business part if the town, is cm a street between 2 and, 3'miles in length, running par- allel with the river. This village is very pleasant, well built, and contains, many beautiful buildings. A handsome bridge, 1,234 feet in length,. connects this town with West Springfield. Boats for the transportation of passengers, and for towing freight boats, are con- tinually plying, between this place and Hartford, during the season of navigation. The rail road from Boston to Albany will pass through Springfield, which, with the great natural advantagesitpossesses, must render it one of the most important commercial depots on Connecticut river.
About 4 miles north of the prin- cipal village, near the confluence of Chickopee river with the Con- necticut, stands the neat and en- terprising village of Chickopee, one of the most beautifully located manufacturing villages in New England.
The United States Arsenal is delightfully situated on an elevated plain about half a mile east of the principal village. The buildings are arranged with great taste and judgment, around a-level square of 20 acres, and make a fine appear- ance. The buildings are all of brick; on one of which is a cupola, from which ’an extensive and delightful view of Connecticut river and the surrounding coun- try is presented. The water work's are situated ou Mill river, about a mile south of the arsenal. This |