Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 412
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establishment was founded in 1795,
and is considered the most impor-
tant arsenal of construction in the
United States.-. There are 260
men constantly employed in.the va-
rious branches of thismanufacturfe.
In 18&7, the lands and buildings
attached to this establishment were
valued at $210,000; Machinery,
$50,000; 170,00Q muskets on hand,
$2,040,000; muskets manufactured
during the year ending April 1,
1837, 14,000, valued at $154,000 :
amount of ordnance and stock on
hand, $80,000.

An establishment for the manu-
facture of brass-cannon,-employing
25 hands, lately commenced by a
private company, will manufacture
cannon to the amount of $50,000
per annum.

There are in Springfield 7 cotton
and 4 paper mills, 3 tanneries, and
manufactures of iron castings, cut-
lery, ploughs, chairs, cabinet and
tin wares, boots, shoes, cards, hard
ware, steam boats, joiners tools, pa-
per machinery,shuttles, bobbins, ri-
fles,- stoves, machinery, swords,-&c.
The total value of the manufactures
of Springfield, for the year ending
April 1, 1837, exclusive of those
by the U. S., amounted to $1,709,-
700. See

Squam Bake, «fcc.

Squam Lake, N. H., lies on the
borders of Holderness, Sandwich,
Moultonborough and Centre Har-
bor. This is “ a splendid sheet of
water, indented by points, arched
with coves, and studded with a suc-
cession of romantic islands.” It is
about 6 miles long', and in its widest,
part, 3 miles in width. It covers a
surface of between 6,000 and 7,000
acres, and is well- stored with trout
and other fish.

Squam River is the outlet of the
above mentioned lake: it passes
through Squam pond in Holder-
ness, and forms a junction with the
Pemigewasset, at the S. W. corner
of that town.

Squam Bay and ViUage, Mass.
The bay sets up between Glouces-
ter and the mouth of Ipswich har-
bor. The village is on Cape Ann,
about 4 miles N. from the principal
village of Gloucester, and is the re-
sort and residence of a large num-
ber of enterprising fishermen.

Squamanagonick, N. H.

The name of a village at the falls on
Cocheco river, in Rochester, so call-
ed from the Indian name of the falls.

Squamscot River, N. H.,

Or Swamscot, eallod also Great
or Exeter river. See
Exeter. .

Stafford, Ct.

Tolland co. This town lies 24
miles N. E. from Hartford, 6 N. E.
from Tolland, 27 N. W. from Brook-
lyn, 36 N. from Norwich, 14 *N. E.
from Springfield, Mass., and 73 W.
S. W. from Boston. Population,
1830, 2,515.

The surface of the town is rough;
in some parts mountainous, abound-
ing with rocks of primitive forma-
tion. Its soil is a coarse^ hard and
dry gravelly loam; generally not
very productive. There are sever-
al minerals .in the town, but iron
ore is the prindipal. As early as
1779, a blast furnace was erected
here, and cannon shot, hollow ware,
&c., were cast.

The town is watered by Fur-
nace river, and the Willimantic,
which unite in Stafford, and afford
a good water power. There are in
the town several blast and cupola
furnaces, a cotton mill, manufac-
tures .of pistols,, axes, adzes, car-
penters’ chisels, tailors’ shears,
drawing knives, and several other
articles of cutlery. There are also
manufactures of cotton and woolen
machinery, cabinet ware, brush
handles, iron card cylinders, and
two forges for making wrought

Stafford Mineral Springs have
acquired considerable notice, and


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