ing mill, a wire factory, and two large boot and shoe manufactories.
Stamford Borough is a neat vil- lage, beautifully situated near the Sound, and surrounded by a coun- try full of interesting scenery.
This was the residence of the Hon. Abraham Davenport, for many years one of the Counsellors of the colony, and afterwards of the state. He was the son of the Rev. John Davenport, the second minis- ter of Stamford, and grandson of the Rev. John Davenport, the father of New Haven colony. Mr. Daven- port was distinguished for his vig- orous mind, Christian integrity, and for his uncommon firmness of char- acter. An instance of his firmness is here quoted.
“The 19th of May, 1780, was a remarkable dark day. Candles were lighted in many houses; the birds were silent and disappeared, and tbe fowls retired to roost. The legislature of Connecticut was then in session at Hartford. A very general opinion prevailed, that the day of judgment was at hand. The House of Representatives, be- ing unable to transacttheir business, adjourned. A proposal to adjourn the Council was under consideration. When the opinion of Mr. Daven- port was asked, he'answered, ‘I am against an adjournment. The day of judgment is either approaching, or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournment: if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish therefore that candles may be brought.”
StandisH, Me.
Cumberland co. This township is bounded on the N. and N. E. by Sebago Lake, and S. W. by Saco river. It lies 68 miles S. W. from Augusta, and 16 N. W. from Port- land. This is a good farming town with two pleasant villages. Incor- porated, 1785. Population, 1837, 2,270.
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Starks, Me.
Somerset co. Starks is very pleasantly situated on the W. side of Kennebec river, and is also wa- tered by the Sandy, which unites with the Kennebec at this place. This town possesses great resources in the fertility of the soil, its loca- tion for trade, and its mill privileges. It lies 37 miles N. N. E. from Au- gusta, and 6 W. by N. from Nor- ridgewock. Incorporated, 1795. Population, 1837, 1,424. Wheat crop same year, 7,614 bushels.
§tark, N. H.
Coos co. This town was named Piercy., until a few years since. It was then altered to compliment the memory of Gen. Stark. It con- tains about 20,000 acres, most of which is broken and extremely un- even. It was settled in 178§, but tbe progress of the settlement has been very’slow. Population, 236. It lies 10 miles N. E. from Lancas- ter.
Starltsborougli, Vt.
Addison co. This town is wa- tered by Lewis creek and Hunting- ton river, which are good mill streams. There are three springs in the town, not more than 20 rods apart, which unite and form a stream of sufficient power for a number of mills, and is thus im- proved. The town is rough and mountainous. Hog’s Back moun- tain skirts its western border, and East mountain passes through its centre, and divides the waters of the rivers. There is some good land in the town, but a large portion of the territory is too elevated for cultivation. Here are 2 villages, and the manufactures of iron are considerable.
Starksborough was first settled in 1788. It is 22 miles W. by S. from Montpelier, and 18 N. by E. from Middlebury. Population, m 1830, 1,342. |