Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 419
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light and sandy, and good for the
growth of hops. It Ues 24 miles
W. by N. from Boston, and S W.
by S. from Concord. Incorporated,
1683. Population, 1837, 1,134.

There are two woolen mills in
the town, and manufactures of
leather, boots, shoes, straw bonnets',
and palm-leaf hats: total value,
the year ending April 1, 1837,

Strafford’ pounty, Jff. II.

Dover, Gilmantoni Gilford and
Rochester, are the shire towns.
.Strafford county is bounded N. by
the county of Coos, E. by the state
of Maine, S. and S. W. by Rock-
ingham and Merrimack counties,
W. by the Pemigewasset river,
which separates it from parts of the
counties of Grafton and Merrimack,
and N. W. by Grafton county. It
is 63 miles in length, from the
mouth-of Lamprey river to the N.
line of Albany ; 33 miles wi’de at
the centre. Its shape, like that of
all the other counties in the state, is
irregular. It contains an area of
1,345 square miles. This county,
which extends to the neighborhood
of tbe White mountains, has sever-
al considerable mountains within its
limits. Chocorua Peak, in Albany,
Sandwich mountain in the same
range,Ossipee and Effingham moun-
tains, Gunstock mountain, in Gil-
ford, Moose, in Brookfield and Mid-
dleton, Teneriffe, in Milton, and the
ridge denominated Blue Hills, are
the most elevated. Red Hill, in
Moultonborough, has a command-
ing elevation, and has long attracted
visitors. Below, the waters of the
Winnepisiogee.lie open to the eye,
and its numerous islands and bays
present a fine appearance. This
lake is much the largest body of
water in the state, being 22 miles
long, and varying from one to eight
miles in width. Sullivan or Squam
lake, lies partly in this county, and
is 6 miles in length, and nearly 5 in
width. Ossipee lake is also in this
county. Great bay, Long bay and
Merrymeeting bay, are connec-
ted with the Winnepisiogee lake.
Smith’s pond, in Wolfeborough;
Sixmile,in Eaton, Merrymeeting,
in New Durham, and Lovewell, in
Wakefield, are the principal ponds.
The larger rivers, are the Piscata-
qua, Salmon Falls, Cocheco, Saco
and Swift rivers. The soil of
Strafford county, though presenting
a great variety, is generally good.
The lands are generally hard of
cultivation, but the patient laborer
finds an ample reward for his in-
dustry. This county possesses a
large hydraulic power, and manu-
facturing establishments are con-
stantly increasing on its streams.
Population, 1830, 58,916. Popula-
lation to a<. square, mile, 44. In
1837, there were 53,602 sheep in
Strafford- county.

Strafford, N. II.

Strafford co. This town lies 15
miles N. W. from Dover, and 25
E. N. E. from Concord, and is about
7 miles in length, 6.1-2 wide. Bow
pond is-in the S. W. part of the
tqwn, and is about 650 rods long,
400 wide; its waters form one of
the principal branches of the Is-
inglass river. The range of Blue
hills crosses the N. W. part of the
town. The soil here is generally
of a good quality. Strafford was
formerly apart of Barrington, and
was incorporated in 1820. Popula-
tion, 1830, 2,200.

Strafford, Vt.

Orange co. This town is water-
ed by a branch of Ompomponoo-
suc river, and lies 30 miles S. S. E.
from Montpelier, 30 N. from Wind-
sor, and 11 S. S. E. from Chelsea.
Population, 1830,1,935.

The surface of the town is rough,
but the soil is productive. It feeds
a large number of sheep. The
manufacturing interests of Strafford
are quite extensive.

“ In this township is an extensive


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