eral very beautiful ponds. In Por- ter’s pond, about two miles long, a salmon trout was taken, which weighed twenty seven and a half Pounds.
Strong was incorporated in 1801, and named- in honor of Caleb Strong, LL. D., formerly a Senator to Congress, from Massa- chusetts, and Governor ofthat state 9 years. He died at Northampton, Mass., * his native town, Nov. 7, 1819, aged 74 years.-
able water privileges. The soil is generally a warm loam.and produc- tive : the surface is elevated, and, in the. centre of the town, mountain- ous. There are about 5,500 sheep in the town. Sudbury is 43 miles S. WV from Montpelier, 47 S. by E. from Burlington, and 17 N. W. from Rutland. Population, 1830, 812.
Sudbury River, Mass.
This river rises in Hopkinton and its neighborhood, and after passing Framingham, Natick, Sud- bury, Way land and Lincoln, it joins the Assabet at Concord..
Sudbury, Blass.
Middlesex co. This ancient town is situated on the west side of river of the same name, 19 miles W. by N. from Boston, and 8 S. W. from Concord: Popula-
tion, 1837, 1,388. It is watered by a small stream, a branch of Sudbu- ry river. There is a paper mill ' in the town, a plough factory, and • manufactures of boots and shoes* annual value about $20,000.
Sudbury was first settled in 1635. In 1676, about 70 men, on then march for the relief.of Marlbo- rough, fell into an ambuscade with the Indians: twenty six of the En- glish were left dead on the field; the residue were captured, and ma- ny of them afterwards tortured and slain. West of Sudbury causeway, is.a monument erected to their memory, by president Wadsworth, of Harvard College, a son of the Captain of the Band.
Suflield, Ct.
Hartford co. Suffield lies on the west side' of Connecticut river, and is bounded N. by Massachusetts, to which state it was attached until 1752. This territory, 8 by 5 miles, was purchased about the year 1670, of two Indian Chiefs, for one hun- dred dollars. The surface on the banks of the river, are elevated, and although the town is without
Sturbridge, BIsss.
■Worcester co. This is a very pleasant town, and is well watered by Quinebaug river. It lies* 60 miles W. S. W. from Boston, and 18 S. W. from Worcester. Incor- porated, 1738.' Population, 1330,. 1,688 ; 1837, 2,004. The surface of the town is uneven and hilly, and' the soil h^ird to subdue ; but it has become productive by good man- agement. There are some good fish ponds in the town, which serve to swell the Quirtebaug. There ! are 6 cotton mills in Sturbridge and manufactures of boots,.shoes, leath- er, chairs, cabinet ware) clothing, palm-leaf hats, ’trunks -harnesses, chairs, wagons, sleighs and pocket rifles; total value, the year ending April 1, 1837, $182,415.
Success, N. H.
Coos co. There are several con- siderable mountains in this tract, and two or three ponds. . Narmar- cungawack and Live, rivers rise here, and pass westerly into .the Androscoggin. Success was grant- ed Feb. 12, 1773, to, Benjamin Mackay and others; and is. 143 miles N. by E. from Concord. Pop- ulation, 1830, 14.
Sudbury, Vt.
Rutland co. A part of Hubhards- ton, and Hinkum’s ponds lie in this town, neither of which, nor Otter Creek, which passes through the eastern part, produce any consider-
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