much alluvial meadow, the soil be- ing of a strong deep loam, is very fertile, and productive. Suflieid contains some of the best farms in the state. It lies 16 miles N. from Hartford, and 10 S. from Spring- field. Population i830, 2,690.
The' principal village is pleas- antly located on rising ground ; it contains many handsome buildings; it is the site of the “ Connecticut Literary Institution,” and com- mands delightful views of the riv- er and circumjacent country.
Gideon Granger, post master general of the United States from 1801 to 1814, was born in Suffield, in 1767. He died at Canandaigua, N. Y., in 1822.
Oliver Phelps, Esq., “ a man of extraordinary enterprise and ex- tensive ' business, was for many years a resident of this town. He was tbe ‘maker of his own fortunes.’ He was a native of Windsor, but was bred in this town, and received a mercantile education. He en- gaged in business in Granville,, Mass., and soon became a very en- terprising, sagacious and successful trader. During tbe revolutionary war, he was employed by the state of Massachusetts, in the commis- sary department. Whilst in this situation, his transactions were of a most extensive and responsible nature, and his own paper formed a kind of circulating medium. Af- terwards he purchased a large es- tate, and returned to this town. In 1789, he, in connection with the Hon. Mr. Gorham, purchased of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts, a tract of land in the western part of the state of New York, in what is commonly called the Gen- esee country, comprising 2,200,000 acres. This is probably the great- est land purchase, or speculation, ever made by two individuals in tbe United States. This is a very ex- cellent tract of land, having a mild- climate, and fertile soil, and an abundance of waters, and is now comprised in the extensive counties of Ontario and Steuben. In 1795, Mr. Phelps, together with William Hart and their associates, purchas- ed of Connecticut, the tract of land in the state of Ohio, called the Western Reserve, comprising 3,- |
300,000 acres.”
Suffolk County, Mass.
-See Boston and Chelsea. 5
Sugar River, N. H.
This river originates frOm Suna- pee Lake"; it passes through part of Wendell, the whole of Newport, and nearly through the centre of Claremont, vvhere it meets the Con- necticut. Red Water brook, in Claremont, is a tributary of Sugar river. '
Sullivan, Me.
Hancock co. This maritime town is situated at the head of Frenchman’s bay, 93 miles E. from Augusta, and 17 E. by S. from Ellsworth. Population 1837, 611. Sullivan has mill privileges, and is finely located for ship building, and other branches of business connec- ted with navigation.
This town was incorporated in 1789, and received its name in hon- or of John' Sullivan, LL. I)., a major general in the revolution- ary war; -afterwards member of congress, president of New Hamp- shire, and district Judge-of th£ U. S. Court. He was born in Maine, and died in New Hampshire, 1795.
James Sullivan, LL. D., a brother of Gen._ Sullivan, was born at Berwick, in 1744. He early es- poused tbe cause of his country, and sustained tbe offices of member of the provincial congress, attorney general and governor of Massachu- setts, with great talents and faith- fulness.
He died while governor, in 1808, at a period of great political excite- ment, honored and beloved hy all parties. |