Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 424
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Sullivan County, N. H.

Newport, chief town. This
county is bounded N. by Grafton
county, E. by Merrimack and a part
qf Hillsborough counties, S. by
Cheshire county, and W.- by Corf-
necticut river, or the state of Ver--
mont. It was taken from Cheshire
county in 1827, and, contains an
area of about 533 square miles./
Population, 1830, 19,687. Popula-
tion to a square mile, 37. The sur-
face of the county is elevated, but
not mountainous: Croydon moun-
tain is the1 highest. ’

Along the 'streams, particularly
on Connecticut river, the soil is
rich and exceedingly productive.
The uplands produce good grain,
and afford excellent pasturage for
cattle, of which many are reared
for market. Although this is the
smallest county in the state; in .1837,;
it had 71,076 sheep, whose wool,
being partly Saxony, would aver-
age as good as full blood Merino.

♦Besides the Connecticut, which
waters its whole western frontier,
the Ashuelot,Cold, Sugar,Little Su-
gar fivers, and other streams furnish
the county with an abundant water
power, and Sunapee Lake and nu-
merous ponds give, beauty to , its.
otherwise varied and, picturesque

Sullivan, If. H.

Cheshire co. The distance from
Keene is 6 miles, from Concord, 42
W. S. W. The S. E. part of this
town is watered by Ashuelot river.
This town was incorporated in 1787-,
and received' its name from Presi-
dent Sullivan, the chief magistrate
of N. H. that year. Population in
1830, 555.

Sumner, He.

Oxford co. This town is well
watered by a branch of Andros-
coggin river; it has a fine soil, and
produced in 1837, 7,144 bushels of
wheat. It lies 44 miles W. from

Augusta, and 8 N. from Paris.

Population, 1837,1,190.

This town derived its. name from
Increase Sumner, who was
governor of Massachusetts in 1798,
when the town was incorporated.
Gov. Sumner was a native of Rox-
bufy^ Mass. He died in 1799, aged
52 years.

Sunapee Bake, N. H.

This lake is situated in the W.
part of Merrimack county, and the
E. part of Sullivan, in the towns of
Wendell, New London and New-
bury. It is 9 miles long, and about
1 1-2 miles in width. Its outlet is
on the W. side through Sugar riv-
er. The waters of this ' lake are
more than 800 feet higher than the
Connecticut or Merrimack, at the
nearest points.

Sunc o ok Eiver, N. H.

This, riyer rises in a pond be-
tween Gilmanton and Gilford, near
the summit of one of the Suncook
mountains, elevated 900 feet above
its base. The water from this pond
passes through two others at the
foot of the mountains’, and thence
through a flourishing village in the
S. E. part of Gilmanton, into Barn-
stead, where it receives several
tributaries; thence through Pitts-
field and Epsom, and between Al-
lenstown and Pembroke, into the

Sunderland, Vt. .

Benningtpn co. This town was
first settled in 1765. It lies 87 miles
S. S. W. from. Montpelier, and 15
N. by fb from Bennington. Popu-
lation, 1830, 463. The town is
watered by several ponds, Batten-
kill river and Roaring brook. There
is some fine land along the streams,
in Sunderland, excellent mill sites,
and lead ore in granular limestone.

Sunderland, Mass.

Franklin co. This town lies on
the east side of Connecticut riv-


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