Surry, N. H1
Cheshire co. This town lies 54 miles S. W. from Concord, and 6 N, W. from Keene. It is watered hy Ashuelot river, on which there is a tract of valuable meadow land,-extending almost the whole length of the town.' On the east side-of Ashuelot river is a steep and high mountain, on the summit of which is a pond of about 3 acres in extent, and about 25 feet depth of water.
er, DO mllfes. W. from Boston, and 9 S. by E. from Greenfield. It was taken from Hadley in 1718. Pop- ulation, 1837,729- The settlement in this town is principally on a street running parallel with the river. Between the street'and the river is a tract of fertile meadow : on the other side of the village is a more elevated plain, and back of that, Mount Toby rears its lofty front. This mountain is composed, of pudding stone, and the small stones within it are rolind and smooth as though washed by the ocean; they are of various sizes, and of every color. On one side is a cavern 60 feet deep ; and many other ruptures seem to indicate some great change in this mountain since its formation. This village is very pleasant, and the scenery around It is of a fascinating character. The people here are good farmers, and are noted for their good schools and philanthropic disposition. * . *
Sunkliaze, Me*
Sunkhaze stream meets the Pe- nobscot, from the east, about 15 miles above Old Town village, in Orono. The plantation of Sunk- haze lies on this stream, 82 miles N. E. from Augusta. The popula- tion of the plantation, in 1830, was 250.
Surry, Me.
Hancock co. 'Surry lies on the W. side of Union river, 6 miles S. from Ellsworth, and 87 E. by N. from Augusta.
This town is accommodated with navigable privileges, and water power of superior excellence.— There are some manufactures in the town, but the inhabitants are generally independent farmers.— Many of the farms are rendered very fertile by an inexhaustible bed of shell marl, of a very fine qual- ity. Incorporated, 1S03. Popula- tion, 1830, 561; 1837, 735. j
Surry was originally a part of Gilsum and Westmoreland. It was incorporated in 1769, deriving its name from Surry in England. The first settlement was made in 1764, by Peter Hayward. Population, 1830, 539.
. Sutton, N. H.
.M*errimack co. This town lies 25 miles W. N, W. from Concord. The southerly and largest branch of Warner river enters this town on the south, runs a short distance, and passes off into Warner again. The northerly branch of this river runs nearly through the centre of the town from north to south, and affords several good mill seats. Ste- 'veils* brook," another considerable branch of Warner river, has its source on the W. side of Kearsarge, and runs about 4 miles in this town, 'in a S. E. direction. There is also a large branch of Blackwater riv- er, which has its source about the western confines of Kearsarge, and flows through this town in a N. E. course about 3 miles. On the margin of this stream, there is some rich meadow and intervale land. There are several ponds, the most important of which are Kezar’s pond, situated towards the N. part of the town, which- is about 190 rods square; and Long pond, situa- ted at the south part of the town.
! Kearsarge mountain extends more than half the length of Sutton on
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