Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 426
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the E. side. King’s Hill is situated
on the YV. part of Sutton. On the
most'elevated part of this hill, which
rises within a few - feet as high as
Kearsarge, there is'one of the most
extensive landscape views in the
country. On the W. is seen the
Sunapee lake, the Ascutnpy, and
highlands in Vermont to the Green
mountains; on the S. the Sunapee'
and Monadnock; on the E. you
almost overlook Kearsarge, -and on
the north the Cardigan and WJiite

Sutton was granted in 1749. It
was called
Perrys-town,.from Qba-
diah Perry, one of its original and
principal proprietors. The first
settlement was made in 1767. jPop-
ulation, 1830, 1,424.    ,v

river, and the Blackstone -canal
passes through the town. There
are in the town four cotton and two
woolen mills, two scythe factories,
and manufactures of boots, shoes,
shuttles and spindles: total value,
the year ending April 1, 1837,

The surface of the town is agree-
‘ ably diversified, and the soil capa-
ble of producing good crops. Gran-
ite and soapstone are abundant.

“ Purgatory Cavern,” in this town,
is a great curiosity. It is a fissure
in gnpiss, nearly half a mile long,
in most parts partially filled by the
masses of rock that have been de-
tached from the walls. The sides
are often perpendicular, and some-
times 70 feet high; being separated
from, each other about 50 feet.

Swanzey, N. H.

. Cheshire co. This town lies 6
miles S.. from Keene, and 60 S.
YV. from Concord. The principal
streams are the Ashuelot and the
South Branch rivers. The former
passes through Swanzey in a S. W.
direction, and empties into the Con-
necticut at Hinsdale. This is a
stream of much importance, and is
(made navigable for boats as Tar up
as Keene„ excepting a carrying
place about the rapids at Winches-
ter. The South Branch unites
with the Ashuelot about one mile
north from the centre of the town.
The surface here is somewhat di-
versified with hills, valleys, and
swells of upland. There is one
pond in the S. W. part of the town,
the ^source of the South Branch.
There is a mineral spring, the wa-
ter of which is impregnated with
sulphate of iron. Some iron ore
has been discovered. Here are 2
cotton factories, 1 cotton and woolen
factory, and other machinery.

Swanzey was first granted by
Massachusetts, in 1733. After the
divisional line was run, it was
granted in 1753, by New Hamp-
shire. Until that time it had been

On the W.bank of Kezar’s pond,
were several acres of land, which
appeared to have been cleared of
their original forests. Here were
found several Indiaif hearths, laid
with stone, and with much skill and
ingenuity. Hfere was t found an
Indian burial place. Gun'barrels
and arrows have been found in this
sacred repository. Near the pond, •
have been found stone.pestles, mor-
tars and tomahawks.

Sutton, Vt.    r-C

Caledonia co. This town is wa-
tered by several ponds and by
branches of Passumpsic river. It
lies 18 miles N. E. from Montpe-
lier. and 13 N. from Danville. First
settled, 179i. Population, 1830,

The surface of the town is level,
and in some parts so low as to ren-
der the soil cold and unproduc-

Sutton, Mass*

Worcester co. This is a very
pleasant and flourishing town, 44
miles YV. by S. from Boston, and 9
S. by E. from Worcester. Incorpo-
rated, 1715. Population, 1830,
2,186; 1837, 2,457.

Sutton is watered by Blackstone


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