Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 427
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situated on the east side of Lake
Champlain, opposite to North Hero
and Alburgh.' It is 50 miles N. W.
from Montpelier, 28 N. from Bur-
lington, and is bounded by St. Al-
bans on the* south, and Highgate on
the north. Population, 1830,2,158.
Swanton was first settled by the
whites in 1787, At that time the
St. Francois Indians had about fifty
cabins here, and large plantations of

Missisque river passes through
Swanton, and fertilizes a considera-
ble portion of its territoiy. This
river is navigable for lake vessels to
Swanton falls, six miles from its
mouth. These falls descend twen-
ty feet, and, with other smaller
streams, give to Swanton a water
power of great value.

called Lower Ashuelot, from the
Indian name of the river, which
was originally

From 1741 to 1747, this town suf-
fered much from Indian depreda-
tions. Several of the inhabitants
were killed and many were made
prisoners. After Massachusetts
withdrew her protection, the set-
tlers collected together their house-
hold furniture, such as chests, ta-
bles, iron and brass ware., and con-
cealed .it in the .ground, covering
the place of concealment with
leaves-, trees, &c., and -left their
plantation to the disposition of‘the
Indians, who were not tardy in set-
ting fire to their forts, which, with
every housg except one, they re-
duced to ashes. Most of the peo-
ple went to their former places of
residence in Massachusetts. They
returned about three years after-
wards, and nothing'about their for-
mer habitation was to be seen, but
ruin and desolation.- Population,
1830, 1,816.

Swanzey, Mass.

Bristol co. This town lies be-
tween Somerset, and Bristol, R. I.
An arm of Mount Hope bay sets
up some miles into the town, on
which is some, navigation and ship
building.    '    -

There are two paper mills, a cot-
ton and a'woolen mill in the town,
and manufactures of vessels, boots
and shoes: annual value, about

Swanzey is a very pleasant town,
and is interesting as the scene of
much savage aggression. Here it
was that Philip commenced his war,
in 1675, by plunder and murder.
It lies 46 miles S. by
W. from Bos-
ton, and 14 S. W.by S. from Taun-
ton. Incorporated, 1667. Popula-
tion, 1837, 1,627.

Swanton, Vt.

Franklin co. This township is

Bog iron ore is found in this town,
and an abundance of beautiful mar-
ble. This marble is of various col-
ors, and large quantities of
wrought into all desired patterns,
polished, and transported.

The surface and soil of the town
is favorable to agricultural pursuits,
with the exception of a part border-
ing the lake, which is low, wet and
; cold; aa*d which is the favorite
abode, in summer, of wild geese,
ducks and other water fowls.

The village of Swanton is pleas-
antly located# and is the site of a
number of manufactories, and of
an increasing trade from the'inte-
rior country, and to New York and

Swanton may boast of the purity
of its air and water, and of
a Wal-
ter Scott, who died in 1815, aged
110 years.

Swanville, Me*

Waldo co. This town lies 8 miles
Nrfrom’ Belfast, and 46 E. by N.
from Augusta. It was incorpora-
ted in 1818. It is watered by
Paasaggassawakeag lake and river,
and possesses a pleasant surface and
fertile soil. Population, 1837, 794.


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