Wheat crop, same year, 2,556 bush- els.
Sweden, Me.
Oxford co. The waters from Ke- zer pond in Lovell, pass through this town, and give it mill privi- leges. Sweden lies 9 -miles N. E. from Fryeburg, 19 S.W. from Paris, and 62 W. S. W. from Augusta. Incorporated, 1813.-* Population, in 1837, 621. Wheat crop, same year, 1,485 bushels-. ' ;
Swift Rivers.
Swift river, in .Maine, is a branch of the Androscoggin, from the N. These rivers unite at Mexico.
Swift river, in New Hampshire, rises among, the mountains in the ungranted lands N. W. of Albany, and passes through the town from west to east with great rapidity, and falls into the Saco in Conway. Its whole course is rapid, and in one place it falls 30,feet in tbe distance of 6 rods, through a channel in'the solid rock of about 12 feet wide— the sides being from 10 to 310 feet perpendicular height. At the up- per part of these falls, are found' several circular holes worn perpen- dicularly into the rock, several feet in depth and from 6 inches to 2 feet in diameter. There is another small river* in Tamworth of the same name.
Swift river, in Massachusetts, rises in a pond in New Salem; it passes through the towns of Pres*" cott, Greenwich and Belchertown, and joins the Chickopee at Palmer.
Tamworth, N. H.
Strafford co. This town is situa- ted on the post road from Concord to Portland, about 58 miles from each, and 30 N. from Gilford. |
There is no mountain situated wholly in this town. On the N. are the mountains of Albany, and the S. the line crosses a part of Os- sipee mountain. The mountains to the N. have a romantic and pictur- esque appearance. The town lies in. ridges and valleys,, generally rocky and fertile. The prinoipal rivers are Bearcamp, which passes through the town in an easterly di- rection, and discharges its waters into Ossipee lake.; Swift river, which'rises near the N. W. corner of the town, .and passing through its centre, mingles its waters with the Bearcamp; and Conway river, - • proceeding from Conway pond, near Albany; and crossing the S. line of Tamworth, near the S. E. corner of the town, near which it empties into Bearcamp river. ‘By these rivers, and other small streams, the town is uncommonly wejl watered.
On these streams is a grfeat number. • of excellent mill privileges. Tam- worth was granted in 1766, and was settled in 1771. Population,
1S30, 1,554. -
Tarifiville, Ct.
See Simsbury.
Tansmkaimic Mountains.. . .
This range of mountains skirt the western border of New England, and- separate ^the waters of the Housatonick and Hudson. -
Taunton River..
• VV i|.y «
This river rises in*the county of ' Plymouth, Mass., and falls into Mount*Hope Bay. The Tau^tqn 'and its^brapchps, water the towns of Abington, Hansoi£ Hdlifax, and Plymp’ton, jtll the Bridgew-aters, Raynham,Taunton, Berkley, Digh- ton, Freetown, Fall river, Somer- set and Swanzey, •* tit is navigable to Taunton, for small vessels,-and with ‘its contemplated improve- ments, steam boats will be enabled to run'to Taunton^ and thus become another channel of^eonveyance be- tween Boston and New York. This rivef is celebrated for the great and widdly distributed? water power it produces, and for the multitude of alewivesr within* its waters. |