settled about 1780, and incorporated in 1795. Population, 1830, 1,375.
Tunbridge, Vt.
Orange co, A branch of White river passes through this town, on which are mills of various kinds. The soil is generally a rich loam; on the stream the intervale land is extensive and valuable. In some parts of the town the surface is el- evated.
Tunbridge contains a medicinal spring of some notoriety- in cutane- ous diseases. Considerable quan- tities of the products of the farms are sent to market. Many sheep are reared ; in 1837, the number in the town was 8,260.
Tunbridge, was first settled in 1776. It is 26 miles S. by E. from Montpelier, 7 S. from Chelsea, and SO N. by W. from Windsor. Popu- lation, 1830, 1,920.
Turner, Me.
Oxford co. A tributary of-the Androscoggin meets that river in this town, and finely waters it. The soil of Turner is good, and its sur- face pleasant. There are a num- ber of thriving villages in tbe town: there is considerable trade, and some manufactures; but the business of the people is generally agricultural.
Turner was incorporated in 1786. It is 38 miles W. S. W. from Au- gusta, and 14 E. from Paris. Pop- ulation, 1830, 2,218; 1837, 2,435. Wheat crop, in 1837, 7,081 bush.- els.
Turtle River, Me.,
Or the Meriumptieook, a branch ; of St. John’s river, which empties about 7 miles S. W. from the mouth of the Madawaska.
Tyngsborough, Mass.
Middlesex co. This is a pleas- ant town on both sides of Merri- mack river, 8 miles N. W. by W. |
from Lowell, and 29 N. W. from Boston. Incorporated, 1789. Pop- ulation, 1S37, 870.
The river here is wide, placid, and majestic, and adds much to the beauty of the place. There is not much* water power in the town, and the soil is light and sandy. Large quantities of granite are quarried here, hammered and fitted for vari- ous uses, and taken down the river. Here are also manufactures of brushes, barrels, boots and shoes.
Tyriugham, Mass*
Berkshire co. There are several ponds in this town, from which is- sues a branch of Housatonick river.
Tyringham lies 125 miles W. from Boston, 14 S. E. from Lenox, and 35 E. from Hudson, N. Y. In- corporated, 17*62. Population, in 1837, 1,288. .
Xhe manufactures of the town consist of paper, iron castings, boots, shoes, leather, forks, rakes, palm-leaf hats, chair stuff, and wooden ware : annual value, about $35,000.
The surface of the town is un- even, and in some parts mountain- ous. “Hop Brook Valley,” rs a beautiful and romantic spot. There is a society of “Shakers” in Ty- ringham. See Canterbury, N. H*
tlmbagog Bake,
Vs a large body of water, situa- ted mostly in the state of Maine, and extending about 300 rods' in width along the east of the town- ships of Errol and Cambridge, in New Hampshire. This lake is very imperfectly known; is said to be about 18 miles long, and in some parts 10 wide ; being but little in- ferior to the Winnepisiogee, in ex- tent and beauty. Its outlet is on the west side, in Errol, its waters flowing into the Androscoggin.
XJncouoonook Mountain, N. H*
See Goffstown. |