Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 438
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Underbill, Vt.

Chittenden co. - The head branch-
es of Brown’s river water this town.
The surface is hilly and broken,
and the soil hard ; but tolerable for
sheep, of which a considerable
number are reared.

Underhill was first settled in

1786. It lies 15 miles N. E. from
Burlington,, and 26 N. W. from
Montpelier. Population, in 1850,

Union River, Me.

Hancock co. The-head waters
of this river proceed, within a few
miles from .the.Passadumkeag. It
flows south through the towns of
Hampton, Amherst, and Maria-
viile: it meets the tide water at
Ellsworth, and passes to the ocean
by Blue Hill bay. This stream
has numerous tributaries, tbe reeip-,
ients of a great nurriber of ponds,
which are scattered over the inte-
rior parf3 of the’ county. This
l>eautifuj river is in some parts
gentle and fertilizing, in otberparts
rapid, producing a valuable wader
power for mills.. Its length, from
Ellsworth, is between forty and fifty

Union, Me.

Lincoln co. This pleasant and
flourishing town is watered by
Muscongus and St. George rivers,
and by several beautiful ponds.
The soil is fertile, arid the surface
generally swelling.

Union was incorporated in 1786.
It is 28 miles S. E. from Augusta,
and 7 N. by
W. from Warren. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 1,750. Wheat crop,
same year, 4,249 bushels.

Union, Ct.

Tolland co. The surface of
Union is hilly, with a hard and un-
productive soil. Mashapaug and
Breakneck ponds, lying in this
town, we the principal sources of


Quinnebaug river. A branch of
the Natchaug also rises here.

The town was incorporated in
1734. First settled, 1727. It is
bounded W. by Stafford, and is 33
miles N. E. from Hartford, and 14
N. E. from Tojiand. Population,
1830, 711.

Unity, Me.

Waldo co. This is a flourishing
farming town, 33 miles N. E. from
Augusta, 22 W. S. W. from Bel-
fast, and bounded S. W. by Albion.
It is well watered by a branch of
Sebastieook river, which passes N.
W., about 9 miles distant.

Unity was incorporated in 1804.
Population, 1837, M,520.    Wheat

crop-, same year, 11,099 bushels.

Unity, N. H.

Sullivan co.. This town is bound-
ed N. by Claremont and Newport,
E. by Goshen, S. By Lempster and
Acworth, and W. by Charlestown.
It is 43 miles W. by N. from Con-
cord,and 9 S. from Newport.

Little Sugar river has its source
in Whortleberry pond and Beaver
meadow, in the N. -part of the
town, passes through its centre,
and empties itself into the Connec-
ticut at Charlestown. Cold pond,
the head of Cold river, is partly in
this town. , From Gilman’s pond,
in theTk part of Unity, proceeds
a branch of Sugar river, flowing
through Newport. Perry’s moun-
tain is in the S. Whpart, and partly
in Charlestown.

Unity is an uneven township,but
the soil is highly favorable for
grazing. It is excellent for flax,
few towns in the state producing
a greater quantity.

Unity was granted in 1764. It
was called Unity, from the happy
termination of a dispute which had
long subsisted between certain of
the inhabitants of Kingston and
Hampstead, claiming the same tract
of land under two different grants.


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