Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 439
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The first settlement was made In
1769. Population, 1830, 1,258.

Upton, Mass.

Worcester co.. Upton was.taken
from Mendon, Sutton and Hopkin-
ton, in 1735. The surface of tire
town is plain land, and partly rough
and hilly, with a strong soil capable
of yielding good crops of grain and
hay. Much attention has been
paid to fruit trees in this town, and
many fine orchards of various kinds
of fruit have been the result. West-
river, a branch of. the Blackstone,
rises from a pond in Upton, and
furnishes a power fora number, pf
mills. The manufactures consist
of woolen goods, boots, shoes, leath-
er, straw bonnets, sashes and blinds:
annual value, about $175,000.

This pleasant town lies 35 miles
W. S. W. from Boston, and 15 S. E.
from. Worcester. . Population, in
1830, 1,155; 1837, 1,451.

Uxbridge, Mass.

Worcester co. This very hand-
some and .flourishing town lies 40
miles S. W. from Boston, 17 S. hy
E. from Worcester, and 24 N. N.
W. from Providence, R. I. It re-
ceives an excellent water power
from Mumford and West rivers,
and the Blackstone canal passes
through it.

The. manufacturing villages are
delightfully situated, in valleys sur-
rounded by picturesque elevations.
There are 5 woolen and 3 cotton
mills in the town, and manufactures
of yarn, straw bonnets, boots, shoes,
leather, chairs, cabinet and tin
wares : total value, the year ending
April 1, 1837, $402,450.

Uxbridge was formerly a part of
Mendon. It was incorporated in
1727. Population, 1830, 2,086;
1837, 2,246. Iron ore is found
here, and an abundance of beauti-
ful granite.

Vassalborough, Me.

ICennebeq co. This is a large
and flourishing town on the east
side of Kennebec river, 12 miles
N. by E. from Augusta. There
are several large and beautiful
ponds in the town, from which is-
sue two' excellent mill streams:
one a branch of the Sebasticook,
the other of the Kennebec.

This is a place of considerable
interior trade, and business on the
river. Vessels of considerable bur-
then pass to the ocean from.Vas-
salborough, by means of the Ken-
nebec Dam.

The valleys are very pleasant;
and the surface and soil Of the town
varied and fertile. Vassalborough
was incorporated in 1771. Popula-
tion, 1837, 2,929. Wheat crop,
same year, 10,272 bushels.

Vergennes, Vt.

-Addison co. Vergennes was first
settled in . 1766. The territory,
wh'icir comprises an area of 480 by
400 rods, was invested with city
privileges in 1788. ‘ It lies 12 miles
N. W. from Middlebury and 21 S.
by E. from Burlington. Population,
1830, 999. Vergennes is beauti-
fully located on Otter creek, at the
falls on that stream, and is 7 miles
from Lake Champlain. Otter creek,
at this place, is about 500 feet wide,
and, at the falls, is separated by two
islands, which form 3 distinct falls,
of 37 feet -These falls produce a
great hydraulic power, rendered
more valuable iry being situated in
the heart of a fertile country, and
on the navigable waters of the lake.

The creek or river, between the
city and the lake, is crooked, but
navigable for the largest lake ves-
sels. During the late war, this was
an important depot on the lake.
Here was fitted out the squadron
commanded by the gallant McDo-
nough, who met the British fleet
off Plattsburgh, N. Y. on the 11th
of September, 1814, and made it

This is a very favorable position
for ship building: it now possesses


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