Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 441
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®ue member from each town. The Senators are to be thirty years of.
age ; and the Lieutenant Governor is
ex-ojjicio President of the Senate.

The body so chosen is called The General, Assembly of the
State of Vermont.
The General Assembly meets annually on the
second Tuesday of October. ' They have power to choose their own offi-
cers, to meet on their own adjournments, to terminate their sessions at
pleasure ; to enact Jaws, ‘grant charters, to impeach state criminals, &c.
And, in conjunction with the council, they annually elect the Justices of
the Supreme, County and Probate Courts ; also the Sheriffs, High Bailiffs,
Justictes of the Peace,&c.; and, when occasion requires, they, elect Ma-
jors and Brigadiers General. The General Assembly have full and am-
ple legislative powers, but they cannot change the constitution.

The supreme executive power is vested in a Governor, Lieutenant
Governor, and twelve Counsellors, chosen annually by the1 people on the
first Tuesday of September. They meet at the same timd with the
General Assembly, prepare and lay before them the business apparently
necessary; examine the laws in the progress of legislation, and approve
or disapprove of them, and propose amendments. They cannot negative-
any act of the-General As&e.hibly, but can’suspend tire operation of any
act till the next annual meeting of the Assembly. They commission all
officers ; sit as judges in allcases of impeachment
'r have power to grant
pardons and remit-fines in all cases, excepting in cases of murder and
treason, in which cases they can grant reprieves till the next legislative
session, and excepting also cases of .impeachment. They may lay em-
bargoes for thirty days, when the assembly is not in session.

The General Assembly, in joint meeting with the Governor and Coun-
cil, annually elect the Judges, Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, High Bai-
liffs, &c.

The Governor is. Captain-General, but he cannot command in person,
unless by advice of his council. The Lieutenant Governor.is Lieuten-
ant General of the forces.

The judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court and Court of Chance-
ry, a County Court in each county, consisting of one of the Justices
of the Supreme Court, and two Assistant Justices; a Probate Court in
each District; and Justices of the Peace, who have a limited criminal
and civil jurisdiction.

The Judges of Probate appoint their own Registers, and the Sheriffs
and High Bailiffs appoint their own deputies.

The several Town Clerks are Registers of deeds of conveyance of lands
in their respective towns; and if there be no town clerk, the deeds qfrall
be recorded in the County Clerk’s office.

A council of 13 Censors is chosen by the people once in 7 years, on the


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