Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 444
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Bolton until 1808. The surface of
the town is ..varied by hills and val-
leys ; the soil is a gravelly loam and
sandy, but good for grain and grass.
Population, 1830, 1,164.

Verstiire, Vt.

Orange co. The surface of this
town is uneven and stony, but fur-
nishes pasturage for a large number
of sheep, horses and neat cattle.
Branches of Ompomponoosuc river
rise here, but give the town no val-
uable water power. Vershire was
first settled in 17S0. It lies 25 miles
S. E. from Montpelier, 35 N. from
Windsor, and 6 E. by S. from Chel-
sea. Population, 1830, 1,260.

Victory, Vt.

Essex co. This township was
chartered in 17S1. Moose river, a
branch of the Passumpsic, passes
through it. It lies 10 miles W.
from Guildhall, and, in 1S30, had
53 inhabitants.

Vienna, Me.

Franklin co. A branch of Sandy
river and several ponds water this
fertile and . pleasant town. It lies
25 miles N. W. from Augusta, and
10 S. E. from Farmington. Incor-
porated, 1802. Population, 1837,-
793. Wheat crop, same year, 4,068

Vinalliaven, Me.

Waldo co. Previous to 183S,
this town was attached to the coun-
ty of Hancock. It is situated 12
miles S. E; from Camden, 6 E. from
Owl’s Head, and is formed of the
Fox Islands, at the mouth of Pe-
nobscot bay, about fifty miles be-
low Bangor. There are three
islands of considerable size, belong-
ing to this group, besides several
smaller islands on their coast. This
island town possesses in an eminent
degree all those advantages to be
derived from a bold shore and good
harbors, in the centre of an exten-
sive maritime commerce, and of
the domestic fishery. These privi-
leges are well improved by the in-
habitants of Fox Islands : they also
make their soil tributary to their
wants. In 1837, their crop of wheat
was 1,611 bushels. So long as the
sea island towns of Mount Desert,
Eden'and Vinalhaven; afford wheat,
and Truro, wool, in such abun-
dance ; there seems, at present, no
great cause for the Yankees going
west to escape either nakedness or
starvation. These islands are fine-
ly located for summer excursions,
either for health or pleasure. The
passages between the principal
islands, are delightful; and the
scenery around them beautiful.
Population, 1837, 1,768.

Vineyard, Vt.

Grand Isle co. This town, com-
prising an island in Champlain Lake,
covering an area of 4,620 acres, was
chartered in 1799, by the name of
Isle La Motte. Its name was
changed to Vineyard in 1802. It
lies about 4 miles W. from North
Hero, and was first settled in 1785.
It is a very pleasant island, fertile
and abounding in excellent cedar
and limestone. Pop. 1830, 459.

Vineyard Sound, Mass.

This is a great thoroughfare for
vessels bound along the coast be-
tween Cape Cod and the mouth of
Buzzard’s bay. It lies between
the island of Martha’s Vineyard
and the islands of Nashawn and
Nashawenna. The tides in this
Sound are rapid, and the passage
dangerous, without a good pilot.

Voluntown, Ct.

Windham co. This town was
incorporated in 1719. It derived
its name from the circumstance
that most of its territory was grant-
ed, in 1696, to
Volunteers in the
Narraganset war. The surface is,
in some parts, hilly; but the pre-
vailing character of the surface and
soil is a sandy and gravelly loam.


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