Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 449
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feet. A canal, with 9 locks, passes
round these falls on the west side.

Col. Benjamin Bellows was one of
the first settlers of this town, in
1749. He was a man of great en-
terprise and bravery. His descen-
dants are numerous and highly re-

Bellows' Falls village, is in
Rockingham, V t., opposite toDrews-

Walpole, Mass.

Norfolk co. This town is finely
watered by three branches of the
Neponset which meet at this place.
The face of the town is rough, but
capable of producing good crops.

There are three cotton, two wool-
en and two paper mills in the town,
and manufactures of iron castings,
hoes, hats, leather, straw bonnets.,
and twine : total value, the year
ending’ April 1, 1837, $240,364.
This pleasant and flourishing town
was taken from Dedham in 1724.
Population, 1837, 1,592. It is 20
miles S. W. from Boston, 10 S. W.
from Dedham, and 21 N. by W.
from Providence, R. I.

Waltham, Me.

Hancock co. Population, 1837,
207. Wheat crop, same year, 356
bushels. See “ Down East.”

Waltham, Vt.

Addison co. Buck mountain lies
near the centre of this town, and as
it is the highest land in the county,
west of the Green mountains, its
summit exhibits a good view of a
delightful section of country.

Waltham lies on the east side of
Otter Creek, which separates it from
Panton. Otter Creek, at this place,
is sluggish in its course, and affords
no mill privileges. The soil is gen-
erally good; that along the stream
is excellent. The number of sheep
in Waltham, in 1S37, was 3,890.
Population, 1830, 330. It is 9 miles
N. W. from Middlebury, and 24 S.
from Burlington.

Waltham, Mass.

Middlesex co. This is one of the
many beautiful towns which environ
the capitol of New England. It is
10 miles W. by N. from Boston, and
9 S E, from Concord. It was in-
corporated in 1737. Population,
1830, 1,859; 1837,2,287.

The surface is moderately level,
with some elevations. “Prospect
Hill,” 470 feet above the level of
the sea, presents a delightful view
of Boston, its harbor, and the adja-
cent towns and country. The soil
is generally not very fertile, but is
rendered productive by industry.
“Waltham Plain” is a beautiful
tract of land, under a high state of
cultivation. It is about two and a
half miles in length, and a mile in
width. On the road over this plain
is a continuous village, containing
many handsome dwellings and beau-
tiful gardens ; among the number,
that of the Hon. Theodore Lyman
is pre-eminently beautiful. Mr.
Lyman’s garden, of many acres in
extent, decorated with almost every
variety of fruit tree, shrub and
flower, both native and exotic, is
probably unsurpassed, in costliness
and splendor, by any private estab-
lishment of the kind in the United

In this town the first cotton mill,
on an extensive scale,was erected,
in 1814. The capital of the compa-
ny was $600,000. By extraordinary
skill and good management,through
all the various commercial changes,
this establishment proved lucrative
to the proprietors and highly bene-
ficial to the public. The waters of
Charles river, which glide through
the town, being fully improved,
the proprietors extended their man-
ufacturing operations at Lowell.

There are in Waltham three cot-
ton mills, a bleachery, a machine
shop, a paper mill, and manufac-
tures of boots, shoes, hats, carria-
ges, wagons, chairs, cabinet and tin
wares: total value, the year end-


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