Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 451
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from Hopkinton is S miles, and from
Concord, 15. It is watered by War-
ner river, ahandsome stream, which
rises in the Sunapee mountain in
Newbury. It passes through Brad-
ford, enters Warner at the N. W.
corner, and running in an E. and
S. E. direction, divides the town
into nearly two equal parts, and
falls into Contoocook river in Hop-
kinton. The lands, though broken,
have, in general a good soil. Mink
hills lie in the W. part, and furnish
fine orchards and good pasturage.
There are four ponds, viz: Tom,
Bear, Bagley and Pleasant ponds.
Pleasant pond, the waters of which
are clear and cold, deep, and of a
greenish cast, has no visible outlet
or inlet, and overflows its banks in
the driest seasons.

This town was granted in 1735,
by-the general court of Massachu-
setts, to Dea. Thomas Stevens and,
others. It was incorporated in 177.4,
by the name of Warner.'" The first
settlement was made in 1702, by
David Annis and his son-in-law,
Reuben Kimball, whose son Daniel
was the first child horn in town.
Population, 1830, 2,221.

The following account of a terri-
ble tornado, in tbis section of coun-
try, is by the Rev. John Woods,
published in Professor Silliman’s
Journal, Vol. XX'XY.-No. 2.—
January, 1839.

Mr. Woods says, “ The event
occurred about half past 5 o’clock,
Sunday evening, September 9th,
1821. The wind, I suppose, was a
proper whirlwind, precisely such
as occasion water-spouts at sea.
A very intelligent woman in War-
ner, who, at a distance of two or
three miles, observed its progress,
compared its appearance to a tin
trumpet, the small end downward,
4djgo to a great elephant’s trunk let
out of heaven, and moving
& 'S 'J^sdly along. She remarked,
B ^ §*^pearance and motion gave
5    5/1 ®    impression of life.

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When it had reached the easterly,
part of the town, she said the low-
er end appeared to be taken up from
the earth, and to bend around in a
serpentine form, until it passed be-
hind a black cloud and disappeared.
Its course was southeasterly. It
was attended with but little rain in
some parts of its course, more in
others. The rain, or what appear-,
ed like it, was in my opinion taken
from bodies of water which it pass-
ed over. It was said, that it low-
ered the water in a small pond in
Warner, about three feet. To peo-
ple near Sunapee lake, in New
London, I was told, it appeared as
if the lake was rushing up towards
heaven. The appearance of the
cloud to beholders at a little dis-
tance, was-, awfully terrific. It
commenced its desolating progress
east of Grantham mountain, in
Croydon. In Wendell, beside oth-
er buildings, it demolished a dwell-
ing house, and carried a child who
was asleep upon a bed, into Suna-
pee lake. -In New London and
Sutton it dick considerable damage,
but metNwith few dwelling houses
and destroyed no lives. From Sut-
ton it passed over the southwest
br^ch or spur of Kearsarge moun-
tain, with a gore of land belonging
to Warner, called Kearsarge gore.
At the foot of this mountain, it en-
tirely demolished five, barns, un-
roofed another, and utterly destroy-
ed two dwelling houses and so rent
another as to render it irrepara-

“ The houses wholly destroyed
belonged to two brothers, Robert
and Daniel Savary. They contain-
ed fourteen persons. In the house
of the latter were their aged par-
ents, seventy years old, I should
think, or upwards. The old gen-
tlemen, as he saw the cloud com-
ing, went into a chamber to close
a window, and was there when the
wind struck the house. He was
carried four or five rods, • dashed
upon the rock, and instantly killed.


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