Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 464
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making Waterville the centre of
trade for the country above. A
steam boat now runs between this
place and the lower towns.

The village of West Waterville
is on Emerson stream, atributary of
the Kennebec. Here is a remarka-
ble cascade, the highest known in
the state, and is much resorted to for
its picturesque scenery. At this
village are manufactories for cut-
ting out last blocks, which are ex-
ported in great quantities to Massa-
chusetts, and a scythe factory of
high reputation, which made 300
dozen scythes In the year 1838.

The water power at Waterville
and in the vicinity, is singularly
great. A circle described from the
Ticonic falls, before named, as a
centre, with a radius of five miles,
includes two falls across the whole
Kennebec, at Kendall’s mills, two
miles above Waterville; two falls, 5
miles distant, on the Sebasticook, a
large tributary stream ; and an in-
definite series of falls upon the
Emerson stream, from the cascade
to its confluence; besides numerous
rapids, which could easily be dam-
med, on all these streams. . Itis be-
lieved that no similar circle of 10
miles diameter in New England,
comprehends so large and conven-
ient waterpower. But a very small
part of this power is yet occupied,
and situated as Waterville is, in the
centre of these manufacturing fa-
cilities, enjoying convenient boat
navigation to the sea ports, with an
extensive region.of the best agri-
cultural advantages in the rear, it
promises to become a thrifty and
^populous town.

Waterville, Iff. H.

Grafton co. This town compris-
es the territory called
Gillis and
Foss* Grant
, until its incorporation,
in 1829. It is bounded N. by un-.
granted land, E. by Albany, S. by
Sandwich, and W. by Thornton. It
was granted June 29, 1819, to Jo-
siah Gillis, Moses Foss, jr. and oth-
ers. It is watered by Mad river,
which rises among the mountainous
tracts on the N.; runs S. W. about
20 miles, and falls into Pemigewas-
set river in Campton. Swift river
has its source in this town, pursues
an E. course through Albany, into
Conway, where it unites with Saco
river. There are 2 ponds, and sev-
eral considerable elevations. Mo-
ses Foss, jr. commenced the settle-
ment some years since. It has 96

Waterville, Vt.

Lamoille co. This town is envi-
roned by mountains, and is itself
mountainous. It is watered by a
branch of Lamoille river, and is
bounded E. by Belvidere, W. by
Fletcher. It lies about25 miles S.
E. from St. Albans. Population,
1830, 488.

Wayland, Mass.

Middlesex co. The name of this
town was East Sudbury, from 1780
to 1835. It lies on the east side of
Sudbury river, and is bounded east
by Weston. The surface of the
town is pleasant; the soil is gener-
ally good, and contains some well
cultivated farms. There are 4 for-
ges in this town, and manufactures
of chairs and cabinet ware ; but the
principal manufacture is that of
boots and shoes ; the annual value
of which is about $25,000. Way-
land is 16' miles W. from Boston,
and 7 S. from Concord. Population,

Wayne, Me.

Kennebec co. Wayne lies N.
of Leeds, and is situated a little be-
low the centre of a chain of beau-
tiful lakes or ponds, whose outlet,
which passes through the town,
falls into the Androscoggin. The
centre of the town is about 4 miles
east of the Androscoggin, and 16
W. from Augusta. The surface of
the town is undulating, and the soil
fertile. It was incorporated in 1798.

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