thrust the winter out of doors. It were endless to enter on a detail of each faculty of learning Mr. Ger- rish is master of, and I therefore take his character in short hand. The philosopher is acute, ingenious and subtle. The divine, curious, orthodox and profound. The man of a majestic air, without austerity or sourness; his aspect is masterly and great, yet not .imperious or haughty. The Christian is devout without moroseness, or starts of ho- ly frenzy, and enthusiasm. 'Lire" preacher is primitivejBtkhSut the occasional col^rs^bT whining, or cant, md^TSiethodical, without in- trijww5y or affectation; and which Crowns his character, he is a man of public spirit, zealous for the conversion of the Indians, and of great hospitality to strangers. He gave us a noble dinner, and enter- tained us with such pleasant fruits, as I must own, Old England is a stranger to.”
Wenlock, Vt.
Essex co. This mountain town gives-rise to a principal branch of Nulhegan river. The lands here are too elevated for cultivation.
Wenlock lies 53 miles N. E. from Montpelier. Population, in 1830, 24.
Wentwortla, 3V. H. |
Grafton co. This town is bound- ed N. by Warren, E. by Rumney, S. by Dorchester, and W. by Or- ford. It is 15 miles N. W. from Plymouth, and 52 N. N. W. from Concord. This town is watered by Baker’s river, on which is a fall of 18 or 20 feet, affording an excellent privilege for all kinds of water ma- chinery. The South branch of Baker’s river passes through the southerly part of this town and joins the main branch near Rumney line. There are but few ponds. Baker’s, situated on Orford line, is the most considerable ; the outlet of which is called Pond brook, and affords water sufficient for several valuable mill seats. In the east part of the town, lies part of Carr’s mountain, covered in its natural state with a heavy growth of forest trees. A part of the elevation called Mount Cuba lies in the W. part of Went- worth. This mountain contains in- exhaustible quantities of the best limestone, of which a constanUsrrpr'' ply of good lime isjasde, and sold at a low pri£©r^Tron ore is found inv^rioffsparts. The soil is gen- erally good; the lands in th'& vicin- ity of the rivers are of the first quality. Wentworth was granted in 1766. It received its name from governor Benning Wentworth.— The first settlement commenced a few years before the revolutionary war. Articles of subsistence, po- tatoes and seeds for the propagation of vegetables, were transported thither from the lower part of the state on pack horses, hand-sleighs and in knapsacks. Population, in 1830,624.
"Wesley, Me.
Washington co. We should like to know the particular circumstan- ces of "Wesley, which doubtless was named in honor of one of the best of men that ever lived—John Wesley. It must be a thriving town, for its population, for the last 7 years, has increased from 80 to 232. But very little information can be obtained respecting a town, from merely its act of incorporation.
Wesifeorotigli, Mass.
Worcester co. This town lies on the route of the Boston and Worces- ter rail road, 32 miles W. from Bos- ton, 10 E. from Worcester, and 3 1-2 N. W. from Hopkinton Springs. It was taken from Marlborough in 1717. Population, 1830, 1,438; in 1837, 1,612.
As several persons were engaged in a field spreading flax, in 1704, tbe Indians rushed upon them from tbe woods, and seized 4 boys, and |